View Full Version : not doing very well

18-08-10, 09:30
Hi this has to be quick but i really could do with a little support today, I'm at work but feeling really wobbly, think I'm heading for a low in my roller coaster... any hugs or support would be so appreciated.

My stomach in knots still not on sertraline and after failed appointments with hosp my therapy doesnt seem to have lifted off the ground, know i'm heading for a bad turn and just don't know how to stop it anymore ...

18-08-10, 09:43
hi sorry to hear your not feeling too good .but you will be ok you got through this before xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

Jac 2009
18-08-10, 10:11
Hey, I've been having a really hard time lately and like you I didn't know how to get through it - nothing seemed to work.

I woke up this morning (I'm on holiday from work at the moment) wondering how I would get through the day. I had a chat with my partner and told him exactly how I felt - like most people with anxiety I tend to bottle it up. I decided to try to think positively - I sang a song, told myself how good I felt, looked forward to the day etc etc and suddenly I felt better! I know how hard it is to do this but I think a bit of persistence may pay off.

I really hope that you feel better. It is hard to remember, when you are in the midst of panic, that you don't always feel like this and your mood does lift sometimes. Try and encourage it along a bit.

Big hug - Jac xxxx

18-08-10, 13:02
Hope your day ok. If its any consolation a lot of us are in the same boat on the forums. We will get there in the end.

19-08-10, 17:52
Thank you guys I didn't improve at all yesterday it was awful and had a restless night but I'm a little better today ... took a lot of quiet life tablets !!! well they must have helped as I didn't fall apart completely but not far off it and certainly shed some tears yesterday ..yep even at work...

Thanks for your support x

19-08-10, 20:00
Hi Sharon,
Sorry your not feeling brill. Ive emailed you.
Many hugs,

19-08-10, 21:26
Sending big hugs and really hope you're feeling better!

20-08-10, 14:49
:hugs::hugs:on the way sharon hope u get a lift soon hun x

27-08-10, 22:03
Sharon :hugs:I really hope things get better for you soon xx

01-09-10, 23:11
lots of hugs for you sharon remember that theres only one way to go from down and thats usually up ;) big hugs xx