View Full Version : rotten time in scotland

18-08-10, 11:21
hey, am having a bad time, not sleeping feeling really scared just want to know I can be happy again, have been ill off and on for years never been on anything like this but thought I would give it a go.

18-08-10, 11:23
Hi moosecat

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Mr Parfect
18-08-10, 20:26
Hi Moosecat,

Im also in Scotland, and can empathise with your situation.

Are you on any meds? What do you do for a living?

18-08-10, 20:29
Sorry, but by the title of the post it seems that Scotland is the problem!! (I too come from Scotland) You've done the right thing joining and you'll get lots of support.:hugs:

Vanilla Sky
18-08-10, 21:20
Hope Scotland is not the problem lol . Welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

20-08-10, 10:07
sorry Scotland, its not the problem!
thankyou for all your replies have manages to sleep mostly through 2 nights in a row which is a record since things went wrong 2 weeks ago.

20-08-10, 10:16
I have been on medication of some kind since I was about 18. I have had some real bad times and although I worry constantly when I get nill that im never going to make it back each time I do.reading this site help me realse that the tings I have wrong with me are normal for my disease, which is o.c.d and anxeity which then brings on the depression.
Does anyone else find that when they get ill one part will begin to get better and another gets worse? I know the only thing to do is fight but sometimes you get so tired. I just want to be normal.

20-08-10, 10:27
on a more upbeat note I am finding I can read at the moment and have a list of gentle books that have been keeping me afloat:
ring of bright water-gavin maxwell
an otter on the aga-rex harper
paw tracks in the moonlight-denis o'connor
dewey-vicki myron
Its true I do like otters and cats! just easy going books that you can smile at.