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View Full Version : fear of fainting

18-08-10, 13:29
what are the chances of fainting with a anxiety attack tho i feel like i will i never have,,, it scares me to think i will x

18-08-10, 14:26
i have this same problem day in day out, wether im in the house or out and about. i worry even more cos i have 3 young children with me.... i think the chances are sooo slim. ive suffered for years and have never fainted... even though i feel like i am about to i manage to compose myself. is so scarey and hard.
just do something to take ur mind off it. carry bottle water round with you and take sips when you get the feeling. you wil b fine x x x x

18-08-10, 14:33
thankyou dreena xxxx

18-08-10, 15:06
Your blood pressure actually increases when you panic or are anxious. In order to faint your blood pressure has to decrease. So it is apparently impossible to faint through panic attacks. I have to remind myself of this!


18-08-10, 15:08
hey thats gd advice fanks ill remember that xxxxxxxxxxxx