View Full Version : Dry Mouth!!!! Help!

18-08-10, 13:57
Hi guys,

For the last 4 or 5 days I've had a really dry mouth and tongue :( I'm getting freaked out about it. I've just been ill with a fluey bug so it could be part of that I guess or it could be anxiety (Im having a really hard time with my anxiety at the moment) or the Strepsils I've been taking for my sore throat. Please don't say it's anything bad like thrush :(


18-08-10, 13:59
Oh, I forgot to say I've just started taking Sertraline 50mg...Im on about day 16 or so. I know dry mouth is a possible side effect.

18-08-10, 15:23
Hi Moonlight

without a doubt the sertraline are cuasing that. I got it with them too. Especially at the start. Its kind of settled down now but certain other stuff sets it off again, mostly anxiety

I would try to ignore this becuase it will just get less and less and then stop


18-08-10, 22:38
Thank you Lisa :) That's very reassuring, I hope it's that. I've got tiny little yellowy flecks on the corner of my lips and it feels like it might be burning a bit and I'm freaking out all over again! Not sure if this is just normal, it is only on a tiny tiny piece of my lip.

19-08-10, 10:16

Those yellow dots are called fordyce spots they are totally harmless. I have them and just about everyone who I have put through an 'examination' LOL has had them. I even noticed that my Dr has a ton of them too!! Its to do with oil glands under the skin.

How are you today hun?


19-08-10, 10:35
Thank you so much for reassuring me Lisa :) My mouth is ok today, just a bit dry. I'm feeling a bit better but I've got a fluey bug thing at the moment so have lots of symptoms to obsess over! I have a very minor cough and keep getting worried about it! Also I seem to have had this bug longer than my boyfriend did and that's got me worried too.

Thanks again for your support :) Xxx