View Full Version : Are these panic attacks?

18-08-10, 14:22
Ive been at my friends all morning, just come back and as soon as i got in i went all light headed, hands shaking and legs:-(((( im still shaking now and im worried sick what it is, is it a panic attack? its just like what im getting now and again on a saturday. I keep feeling like i might faint, going black abit and head is all spaced out and i feel i have to duck my head and im shaking. I had this last week and had to lie down and hubby gave me a glass of wine which cured it, lol! I am sat down now, told kids i cant move and im trying to take my mind off it.

I have eaten today so doubt it's anything to do with that.

IS this a panic attack wihtout the tight throat feeling? If i think about it i feel ten times worse:-( Can you get panic attacks without a tight throat? I just go so spaced out and shakey.

I am so upset these happen, they happen out of the blue and i just shake,. I have never had this before:-((((( Last time i had panic attacks regular was when i was 19 when i was getting like 20-30 a day. I feel all scared now that it is panic and im gona be like this every single day of my life:-((( I guess im also worried what they are, and hoping they are just panic. Last time i had one was 8 days ago so surely nothing serious.

18-08-10, 14:38
i feel like this regulary. and its so much harder to deal with when you have kids (i have 3), i get every symptom under the sun, the dry throat, spaced out, dizzy, tremors. some times i get them for a few months then they go, then something sets it off again..i find mine are better when im with some one, they usualy dissapear when my husband gets home, then when im on my own they come back!! i probably cant offer u any advice that u havnt already had. i just wanted to let u know that ur not alone in these feelings x

18-08-10, 14:40
Thanks Dreena.

Sounds similar then, my hands shake like mad. I have had 3 episodes like this in the last 3 weeks since coming off the pill. I think I am just on edge, but i was worrying it's not panic as i don't get a tight throat or anything?

I too felt better as soon as i was with hubby last week when i had one. I am just scared it's something worse, horrible when it hits.

18-08-10, 16:14
Ive been at my friends all morning, just come back and as soon as i got in i went all light headed, hands shaking and legs:-(((( im still shaking now and im worried sick what it is, is it a panic attack? its just like what im getting now and again on a saturday. I keep feeling like i might faint, going black abit and head is all spaced out and i feel i have to duck my head and im shaking. I had this last week and had to lie down and hubby gave me a glass of wine which cured it, lol! I am sat down now, told kids i cant move and im trying to take my mind off it.

I have eaten today so doubt it's anything to do with that.

IS this a panic attack wihtout the tight throat feeling? If i think about it i feel ten times worse:-( Can you get panic attacks without a tight throat? I just go so spaced out and shakey.

I am so upset these happen, they happen out of the blue and i just shake,. I have never had this before:-((((( Last time i had panic attacks regular was when i was 19 when i was getting like 20-30 a day. I feel all scared now that it is panic and im gona be like this every single day of my life:-((( I guess im also worried what they are, and hoping they are just panic. Last time i had one was 8 days ago so surely nothing serious.

Hi, I have this too and its very distressing to say the least. I was just wondering what you mean by "I have never had this before? when you say you get this quite often?

Anyway, just to let you know that you are definitely not alone in having these feelings.

18-08-10, 16:48

This is exactly the symptoms i get when i get a panic attack or the bad anxiety. I never get the tight throat.

Iv been suffering like this for past month again and it scares me so much

mandie x

18-08-10, 17:39
dont worry, its definatly anxiety. i spend my life worrying i have every life threateing illness possible.... and im still here to tell the tale. its what living with health anxiety is all about.... just got to learn how to beat it, and not let it beat you.
i learnt alot with doing CBT, helps me control my thoughts instead of my thoughts controlling me..... they still get the better of me some times though. x x

18-08-10, 22:51
Hi, I have this too and its very distressing to say the least. I was just wondering what you mean by "I have never had this before? when you say you get this quite often?

Anyway, just to let you know that you are definitely not alone in having these feelings.
Sorry I mean until recently I'd never had these before. I've had panic attacks in the past, with tight throat, hyperventilating etc.... just not like this before.

18-08-10, 22:52
dont worry, its definatly anxiety. i spend my life worrying i have every life threateing illness possible.... and im still here to tell the tale. its what living with health anxiety is all about.... just got to learn how to beat it, and not let it beat you.
i learnt alot with doing CBT, helps me control my thoughts instead of my thoughts controlling me..... they still get the better of me some times though. x x

Thank you very much xxxx

18-08-10, 22:52

This is exactly the symptoms i get when i get a panic attack or the bad anxiety. I never get the tight throat.

Iv been suffering like this for past month again and it scares me so much

mandie x

I just worry about passing out infront of the children. Very odd, it just hits out of the blue recently.

Thank you xxxx

18-08-10, 22:59
I just worry about passing out infront of the children. Very odd, it just hits out of the blue recently.

Thank you xxxx

My counseller told me we are unlikely to pass out as our blood pressure rises when we feel like this.

I also worry i will pass out but i havent yet so feel im unlikely to now

love mandie x

19-08-10, 09:55
Thanks Mandie xxx