View Full Version : Anyone else wake up shaky and weak?

18-08-10, 14:30
This seems to mostly happen when I have had more than 7 hours of sleep. When I wake up I feel really weak, shaky, heart is racing away at over 100bpm! But then after about 30 mins its back to normal.

Anyone else get this with anxiety?

18-08-10, 14:34
Yeah i get this and some time crying aswell.

18-08-10, 14:34
I did this morning, woke up heart racing, felt shaking and just weak.
I was having some kind of dream before I woke up.
I also feel a bit dizzy :-(

18-08-10, 14:36
its horrible isnt it? You just think, how can anxiety do something like this!

19-08-10, 15:34
yes it certainly is horrible, im sure its all these physical sypmtoms that started off my anxiety in the first place!! Im 28 years old but when i get up and try and get motivated in the morning i feel more like 98

19-08-10, 15:41

I have this often too. Sometimes I take a propananol that helps with the heart beat and calms me down, its horrible, I have jelly like legs too!!!


02-08-12, 02:28
The past couple of mornings, I've been waking up the same way. Makes me not want to get out of bed, and I can't eat anything for several hours after waking.

02-08-12, 11:50
My anxiety's always at its worse when I've just woken up, either in a morning or after a nap, usually calm down a bit within a couple of hours.