View Full Version : Alcohol.

18-08-10, 15:47
I was quite a big drinker until recently but I've found that alcohol makes my anxiety so so much worse. Hangover days are pretty much a constant panic attack. I think I used alcohol to deal with the anxiety too because as I don't leave the house a lot of the time I am bored sick so sitting on the internet drunk was a lot more fun than just sitting here sober lol

Its been 5 days now and I don't seem to be having any problems as of yet. I was quite surprised to find my anxiety increased in the following days even though usually I don't drink every day, just every other day.

Does anyone else have any anxiety related issues with alcohol? Or even more interesting, has anyone here managed to continue a normal relationship with alcohol dispite having anxiety?

18-08-10, 16:17
I must admit i do like a drink in the evening.
After a day of anxiety its nice to feel relaxed for a few hours.
I dont drink enough to get a hangover, well not often:happy: just enough to not care about anything.
It does make my anxiety worse the next day if i have too much but if i limit myself it doesnt effect me.

18-08-10, 16:21
I was quite a big drinker until recently but I've found that alcohol makes my anxiety so so much worse. Hangover days are pretty much a constant panic attack. I think I used alcohol to deal with the anxiety too because as I don't leave the house a lot of the time I am bored sick so sitting on the internet drunk was a lot more fun than just sitting here sober lol

Its been 5 days now and I don't seem to be having any problems as of yet. I was quite surprised to find my anxiety increased in the following days even though usually I don't drink every day, just every other day.

Does anyone else have any anxiety related issues with alcohol? Or even more interesting, has anyone here managed to continue a normal relationship with alcohol dispite having anxiety?

Hi Emz,

Although I'm on medication for GAD, (Pregabalin) Depression, (Sertraline) and Bipolar (Depakote), I occasionally have a glass of wine before bedtime, but it does sometimes tend to increase my anxiety the next day!

I know that I shouldn't drink whilst on these meds, but sometimes a little of what you fancy does you good...

I'd say I'm still continuing to have a normal relationship with alcohol, despite my anxiety...NOT that I'm proposing that this is a good idea...I just think, that old adage - everything in moderation!

Take care,

Sue x :flowers:

18-08-10, 16:32
Hi Emz

Yes I can totally see where your coming from on this ! I have always liked a drink and despite taking medication for anxiety and depression for many years a drink had not effected me in a negative way until recently. I hit a really low patch and started a different anti-depressant and I have found when I have a drink now it makes me soooooo much more anxious whereas before I could rely on alcohol as a social crutch so to speak ! I have decided that I would rather do without the drink than feel anxious to that extent. I dont know if is solely the new tablet Im taking or the fact that Im just a bit more suseptable to feeling anxious at the moment anyway that makes the drink effect my anxiety, could be a mixture of the two.

Hope this helps, feel free to pm me anytime :)

P x

18-08-10, 16:41
I find using alcohol makes my anxiety a lot better.

Recently I spent the day in London and was dreading the 90 minute train journey followed by a 40 minute bus ride home,normally my anxiety level would have been about 80%-100% but due to drinking quite a few pints of beer during the day my anxiety was virtually non existent.

I know I'm probably drinking too much especially at the weekends and on my days off but it does make me feel normal if that makes sense as I'm able to go out and do things without the fear of or with much reduced anxiety and panic levels.

I never get totally drunk or paraletic (been there done that) just enough to enjoy myself to stay in control and avoid a hangover the next day.

18-08-10, 18:19
I personally find I have no anxiety whilst drunk, none whatsoever but I also have no control over my limits. I'm not the one or two drinks sort of girl. I drink until I black out and cannot physically drink anymore. I know its not good for me and the amount of calories I was drinking made me put on so much weight which makes my anxiety worse because I'm like 'oh shit i'm going to die of a heart attack. So now I think it is day 6 without alcohol and I'm looking forward to seeing how my life goes over the next few months just getting used to not drinking. Then maybe I will be able to introduce alcohol again but at a more sensible rate. Its the serious hangovers that get my anxiety right up at the highest rate. I had such a bad panic attack last time I had a hangover that I just can't face it again. The negatives outweigh the positives by miles.

I've got plenty to keep myself occupied, and I'm starting a diet on Friday too so its all up from here :D

18-08-10, 22:32
I cant drink even now im in recovery from anxiety disorder, as alcohol makes me very very dizzy and spaced out. I think its reacting with my medication (citalopram) but there has been days in the past where ive not taken my meds (oopsy!) and drank alcohol and still felt the symptoms, so maybe its the alcohol that does it, not the meds, i dont know. I just avoid it altogether now, if i go out i happily drink coke or non alcoholic cocktail :) I always have a good time, i used to think i needed alcohol to unwind or enjoy myself, but thats just your head telling u that. I feel so much better for giving it up, and also knowing that any amount of alcohol could give me heart problems, same as smoking, i quit 20 a day in january, i feel so healthy and proud of myself now i know im much healthier x

18-08-10, 23:42
i was a big drinker up until about 6 months ago, ( 8-9 beers every night)
the day after anxiety got so bad that even doing it again that night wouldnt help, ( would wake at 1am absolutely peaking out), so i stopped.
itll take your body a while to adjust, i had trouble getting to sleep for the first week, but after that sleep was good.
my anxiety is still an issue, but after letting this amount of time pass , i know one thing , as bad as i might feel now, i would feel 100 times worse if i drank even just a couple, once they wear off, its all downhill.
stick with it , itll help you no end:yesyes:

19-08-10, 00:59
After my 3-4 months of soberness due to the lack of social activity, then coming back to having hangovers, i do think its put me back a little, i get terrible anxiety when i have a hangover, even if its not that bad. Makes you wonder if the fun you had the night before was worth it.

Doing a quick search its clear having a hangover causes/ increased anxiety.

19-08-10, 09:23
I've certainly found that alcohol makes me worse, even if I don't have much at all. I don't drink very much at all these days, and if I have more than 10-12 units in a week, that's a lot for me.

If I have more than 3-4 units I will almost certainly get palpitations, particularly when I'm trying to go to sleep. I will then feel very anxious for nearly all of the following day.

The only way round it that seems to work for me is if I'm going to a party or celebrating something is to drink earlier in the day as the effects will have worn off by the time I go to bed.

19-08-10, 09:30
So from the replies in this thread it seems like alcohol can be a big cause of anxiety.

I'm on day 7 now of quitting. I was drinking about 100/120 units a week. I had a dream that I got drunk last night and I felt so disapointed in myself.

19-08-10, 23:37
youll get that as you readjust,
just feel proud in the morning when you wake hangover free & realise it was just a dream:yesyes:

20-08-10, 17:55
Alcohol is a big no no for me specially if im feelin down. Few glasses of wine get rid of my anxiety initially but one too many and im a right state the next morning. Hangovers are horrendous. Sometimes im ok but other times i cant even get out of bed it gets that bad. I havent had a drink in about 2 weeks, you can do it.


20-08-10, 18:34
I stopped drinking about 7 years ago. I'm 36. I had started drinking more to help with stress and feeling depressed. When i realised this could become a potential problem I thought I'd stop for a few months before visitng doctor. Although I still suffer bad from anxiety and depression I'm glad I don't drink anymore. You get used to it in time. I had dreams for years about getting drunk and being disappointed in myself.

Each to their own. I decide not to touch alcohol because I don't think it would help me. Everyone can make their own choice if they want to or not.

Best of luck