View Full Version : Advice please

18-08-10, 15:57
Been off work today with Anxiety? or is it ......not coping really.
I have periods of lightheadedness daily and its really worrying me, I also have a BP monitor today it has ranged from 140/100 to 95/54?? how come it fluctuates so? Also have kind of a funny feeling in my chest like a popping sensation? Dont wanna go docs they'll shrug it off as Anxiety like always...I have heart worries xx
Thanks x

Natalie x
18-08-10, 16:12
Hi Clare Lou. I was like you this this morning. Was anxious right from the moment I woke up and was comtemplating not going to work, but my Mum told me I was to get moving and go!

I have this popping sensation too and if you read back to my threads, you will get some re-assurance from them. I was also feeling as though my heart was stopping. I found that my popping sensations were becuase of my excessive burping lol. I find that helps. Why don't you try taking a rennie? These help release wind and that may be the cause of this. It is very common as you will see if you have a search on here.

See how your symptoms go and then if they are persisting and you are worried, then it would do no harm in going to your Doctor.

In the meantime, try watching a film or reading a book to take your mind off it and try to avoid taking your blood pressure. I am still feeling a little anxious, but I am meeting up with my friend tonight to go to the cinema, so hopefully that will take my mind off it. Feel free to pm me if you need a chat :hugs:x