View Full Version : Health anxiety returned

18-08-10, 16:03
Reassurance needed please - Last year I had a bad panic attack and this triggered off my anxiety. First I thought I had cervical cancer and was self checking obsessively when I went to the loo, then I thought it was bladder cancer - a scan showed that to be fine. Then I decided it was ovarian cancer and prodded my stomach for a few weeks for pain/lumps etc!! Then I lost the sight in my right eye - not totally but could only see bright light/ flashes. Went to docs and my BP actually was through the roof! Admitted to hosp for tests - a brain scan was mentioned but bloods etc came back fine so hypertension was diagnosed and brain scan wasn't done. I was sent home on BP meds but then convinced myself I had a brain tumour, was having a stroke - you name it. I even thought the 'bladder / cervical cancer' was secondary and I was months away from death. Back to GP - prescribed sertraline 50 mg for anxiety and had a great 12 months - anxiety still popped up at times but I was able to rationalise with myself. 2 weeks ago - out of the blue, anxiety came back with a bang and I'm back on the brain tumour theory. In my saner moments I know it's anxiety that causes me to feel and think like this but it's so horrible!! I've had a daily headache for the last 2 wks that is there when I think aboput it- most of the time - stabing in my temple! I've had pins and needles, muscle twitches, weird head sensations - my BP is up again. I'm so upset that this thing has me in its grip again!!!!

18-08-10, 20:49
Hi Bev. I'm exactly where you are now! Have been fine & meds free for over a year & suddenly my HA has returned with a vengance. Had a pelvic scan on Monday as I was worried I had ovarian cancer even though my GP only sent me to put my mind at rest, not because he thought there was anything wrong. I too have days where my mind is rational & calm but my HA days seem to becoming more frequent. Have you got extra stress or situations going on at the moment to make you feel worse? My mother-in-law died from cancer sooner than expected 3 weeks ago & I think that's what's triggered my HA off. All the symptoms you describe are anxiety related. When I was at my worst I paid for private CBT councelling which really helped. Hang in there xx:bighug1:

18-08-10, 23:04
Hi Bev

Im so you having such a bad time recently. All your symptoms are what im having at moment. My anxiety has returned bad in the past month. last time i was this bad was 2 years ago.

are u sure nothing is going on in your life to make this flair up again? Iv had nothing extra and mine is getting worse!

What about asking your gp for some counselling?

love mandie x

19-08-10, 23:55
Thanks both of you- I've had a much better day today. Think my HA is a result of a couple of things - left my job of 16 yrs and starting a new one in a weeks time and also my dad's been called in for a colonoscopy after routine screening. Thought I was handling both well but I suppose they are enough to cause a blip!! Wondering if I need to see GP to up my tablets but this would be a last resort. Hope you're both coping x