View Full Version : Nail Polish Remover!!! - Advice Needed!

18-08-10, 16:03
Okay so you're probably going to think 'How?' and I would as well but last night I was asleep, I woke up REALLY thirsty and reached for my bottle of water, took a small sip and spat it out only to realise it was in fact a bottle of nail polish remover...

I was throwing up for about 15 mins. I only had a small sip but being Health anxious I keep thinking that I'm going to drop dead from it. I wanted to got to the hospital but my boyfriend said because I only had a small bit and got sick after that I would be fine.

Do you think I'll be okay. I felt alright today, my throat and tummy are a little sore and I am sooooo tired but apart from that I'm okay. Should I just let things lie now or go see my doc?

18-08-10, 17:03

18-08-10, 17:06
It sounds like you are ok now - but why not give NHS Direct a call to put your mind at ease?


18-08-10, 17:12
Hi, Yes I think I would speak to a doctor to put my mind at rest right enough

18-08-10, 17:30
if it was only a sip you will be ok think of the people who bite there nails ,all that nail varnish ,, you will be ok drink lots of water

18-08-10, 22:15
i done exactly this a couple of months back LOL... i threw up and sore tummy, phoned nhs and they said i would be absolutely fine. I was. You'll be fine too :) x