View Full Version : Moving house causing anxiety relapse?

18-08-10, 16:20
Hi everyone

In a couple of days I will be moving into my very own flat/apartment. Very exciting stuff. For the last 5 years since uni I have lived with housemates, and this will be my first experience 'going it alone'; not that I will be alone all the time though - I have a long-term girlfriend who stays almost every night. Thing is, she's away until mid-September but will come back for the odd weekend before then.

This leads me to my issue.

A couple of years back I beat a bad anxiety bout and had been going fine since June 2009. Now, my generalised anxiety is back and making me feel awful! The only thing I can attribute this to is the apprehension I feel in moving into my own place. I think if I knew my GF would be there every night I'd feel much better (after September she will be) so maybe it's the nights alone I fear - but I don't want to fear them! There are quite a few other people in the building I'm moving into, and I have friends who live in the area, so what's the problem?!

I know I should have nothing to fear and be really excited, and I am, it's just I think these nagging worries are bringing on a serious anixety bout at a really bad time!

Any tips or advice on how to deal with this would be great!

18-08-10, 18:24
You're right, you do have nothing to fear but anxiety is illogical isn't it?

Maybe you could start making plans for the nights you will be alone? Friends round to watch films, a bit of decorating, reading or just stuff that you like to do. Once you're in there, it might feel a bit lonely for a week but after that you'll be loving your own space and getting to walk around in your underwear.

Just try to relax and look at the positives. I know its not easy to do and its a big step but I assure you its one you will enjoy. Your girlfriend will be back in no time and you'll probably miss having a bit of time alone

18-08-10, 22:38
You're right Emz, thank you.

My mind is all over the map at the moment and I can see I was being illogical. Then again, I'll probably feel that way again in 5 minutes! Such is the nature of this bloomin' affliction!

All the best :)

19-08-10, 09:34
You're right Emz, thank you.

My mind is all over the map at the moment and I can see I was being illogical. Then again, I'll probably feel that way again in 5 minutes! Such is the nature of this bloomin' affliction!

All the best :)

We all know what that is like :doh:

Just try and get through it by thinking "I was alright 5 minutes ago and I'm going to be alright again in 5 minutes. Just have to get through this 5 minutes"