View Full Version : Hello

18-08-10, 17:55
Hi everyone

I have been reading posts on here for a week or so now and finally braved it to introduce myself. I have been a sufferer of depression, health anxiety, social anxiety, claustrophobia, panic atttacks .....the list goes on since I was a small child. It all stems from my painful childhood and has grown with me making my life a living nightmare most days. I have learnt how to hide my illnesses in some situations and learnt to adapt my life in some areas. If you met me on a good day (yes I do have them) you would never know how I suffer. Hiding myself away and pretending has led me to the dilema I am in now. I have brought up 3 beautiful well grounded children on my own as I can't hold a relationship down (would you want to be with someone carrying as much baggae as I do everyday) Anyway...it was decided that I have to start back into work Great stuff! I would love to be able to go to work, have a social life, earn my own money and live in the real world, but I tried that and ended up being put on the sick which was quickly changed over to Income support as I had a young child. New laws have changed it all around and now I have been switched back to Sickness benefit (ESA) I am waiting to be assessed. My Doctor put on my certificate migraine and vertigo which I do suffer with on a very regular basis but this is all connected to my mental state. My Doctor is very aware that I suffer with my phobias and anxieties but this hasn't been put on my certificate. I am so scared that I will be forced into work when I can barely leave the house most days, I can't use any form of public transport, I can't visit buildings if I don't know the lay out and where the exits are, I can't enter buildings with automatic doors , Oh My I am so very limited . How will I manage if I don't get past the assessment phase of my claim?
PHEW!!! needed to get that off my chest, I haven't slept longer than 2 hours per evening in just over a week, I can't eat, I am a wreck and for the first time it is affecting my Youngest child. He is 16 so not a baby but although he knows how I suffer, he has rarely seen me in meltdown. I can't stand this. I have a fear of ALL medication and have been prescribed them all over the years, I am working up the confidence to take the citalopram I have just been given after freaking out from beta blockers. I know I have to go through this and it will all be over one day but the stress of form filling and waiting for a result is putting me out of action big time! Thank you for reading. Here seemed like a good place to start as I see many people with signs and symptoms and suffering the same as mine. It is good to know we are not alone.

18-08-10, 17:56
Hi JB63

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Walking Contradiction
18-08-10, 19:14
No your not alone, i joined this week and have posted a few times. It's very theraputic.
I feel guilty sometimes reading that people like yourself are in a worse state than me, and seem to be coping better than myself, and you have three children!
I've been on Prozac, then Sertraline and now am about to start Citalopram. I also cant sleep very well so at the moment i'm on Temazepam too, which is having adverse side effects, vomiting, dizziness, headaches and general drowsiness.
If you need to chat PM me
Chin up (easier said than done i knw)
George :welcome:

18-08-10, 19:30
Hi George and Thank you for your welcome. Don't feel guilty, we are all suffering no matter at what level . I am sorry to hear that you are having adverse side effects from your medication, that is why I struggle to take anything, but after visiting this site and seeing just how many other people struggle the same way it was a suprise to hear it is not just me that has this fear along with all my other wild and whacky fears and phobias. I hope it settles for you soon and gives you some relief from your troubles.

Thank you also for the offer of a chat should I need it. I will take you up on it if I need a shoulder.

Hang in there George.

18-08-10, 19:38
Hello Catlova and thank you for the hugz.

Walking Contradiction
18-08-10, 20:43
Thanks (to you both)
Anytime :)
