View Full Version : Moving Forward but can't help but take the panic with me!

18-08-10, 19:22
Hi Everyone :)

I've suffered with Panic Disorder for over 2years now and suffer from breathing properly (i.e when more anxious breathe gets shorter, hard to catch breath).

I have had some stressful times and earlier this year i had a break from my girlfriend of three years, i struggled so much, being alone was the hardest. On numerous occasions i thought of suicide and my breathing was horrendous. My parents are unaware of our relationship so that was even harder to pretend everything was ok. To make myself feel better i went out with friends and I met a guy, i wasn't that into him but having someone there made me feel better.

I'd booked a holiday with my gf and then cancelled and re-booked with the guy and then when me and my gf realised we wanted each other re-booked again for us. Money was a huge issue lost £2000 amending the holiday and had to let the guy down etc, got myself into a huge mess.

Anyways me and my gf are back on track now and my anxiety got loads better for about 6wks i felt more confident and worry-free. My breathing was good too.

I've had to move to manchester for my work placement year, so im now living in a shared house with people i had never met before starting a new job (that i don't particularly like) with people i don't know. My gf has been staying over alot but when shes not here i feel alone and anxious. My breathing has got worse and i'm worried i'll be going back to square one.

Any suggestions or advice how to pick myself up and move forward even though it all seems so surreal and family and friends are not around :(

Claire x x x