View Full Version : Please someone help!

18-08-10, 23:26
I'm in a terrible state, I laid down to have a rest and my heart started skipping all over the place for about 4 beats in a row and just won't stop. Please why is this happening? Am scared ;(((((((:weep:

18-08-10, 23:28
Have a read of this it will reassure you..


18-08-10, 23:28
Stress and anxiety causes this. It's quite normal in an anxious state and it won't kill you.

18-08-10, 23:40
Thank you but it's hard to convince myself it's happening everytime I lay Down. I'm terrified and so tired but scared to sleep ;(

19-08-10, 00:22
I've had this sort of thing on and off for years, and for some reason it's seems to be worse when I lie down to go to sleep. I don't know whether this is something to do with being tired, or that you notice the skipped beats more when you're lying down, or just that it's quieter at night.

19-08-10, 00:27
It's driving me mad;( I really wanna go to sleep but as soon as I do it starts. Hate them so much. Thanks x

19-08-10, 00:29
What might help is having an extra pillow, as then you're not lying so flat in bed. I know that's worked for me a few times.

19-08-10, 00:31
Yeah I'll try that. Thank you x

19-08-10, 14:32
Still really shaky and can't relax. Any ideas how I can relax?:lac:

19-08-10, 14:40
I have read so much about this... (how sad) BUT there are a few things that I have discovered... When you are paniking most people take in too much OXYGEN... This can make you feel woozy and shakey (and again Panicy) If you cover one nostril and breathe in through one..Then cover the other and breathe out through that..This should hopefully calm your breathing..And yourself xxxxxx

19-08-10, 14:47
there is an oil eucalyptus and you can get it in tea its very good ,,you can read up about it ,when i first started with anxiety a lady who is a friend does homo therapy she gave it to me and yes did help

19-08-10, 17:27
Hope you're feeling better now. I hate the dreaded palps and we know they cant do anything dreadful to us but when in the midst of them we always think the worst.
I find we get in a vicious circle, we get palps when we lie down so become anxious to lie down incase they happen again and inevitably they do coz we are fretting!
I have found cutting down anything containing caffeine has helped. No more tea, coffee, chocolate (I miss loads!) or fizzy drinks and apparently bananas help...I hate bananas!
Take care,

26-08-10, 19:14
there called ecttopic beats hun and they are caused from stress to i have them most people in there life will get them and they are not dangerous hope that helps

26-08-10, 19:37
youtube: guided relaxation... please please try this.
i did it the other day when i was in a huge state.
you don't need to be scared like this.