View Full Version : when you are really down.

Granny Primark
19-08-10, 00:19
ive hit rock bottom these last few weeks.
Me docs been on hol and shes the only doc ive come to trust.
I havent eaten or even found its a struggle to type on nmp.
waking up has been a huge struggle.
But ive always known that at the end of the day I could come and tell you lot.
Thanks xxxxxxxxx

19-08-10, 01:12
I'm sorry to hear that Lynn. Really hope you feel better soon.

Take care of yourself and remember that "this too will pass"...

jaded jean
19-08-10, 07:16
Lyn I am sorry to hear you are on a downer at the moment , I send you hugs:hugs:and good wishes and hope you are feeling on form soon.:flowers:

19-08-10, 07:42

19-08-10, 07:55
Dear Lynn I'm sorry that you are feeling low. Sending masses of cyberhugs ((((hugs))) and hope that you feel better soon. Love from EJ.

19-08-10, 10:55
hi lynn, everyone here is here for you, and things will improve soon for u, just never give up, big hugs xxx

19-08-10, 11:11
hope you feel better soon big hugs:hugs::hugs::hugs:

19-08-10, 18:41
Hi Lynn

I have been thinking about you -I hope you're feeling better. It would be really good if you could try and eat something-even just a little biscuit or something. It doesn't have to be a meal or anything- maybe just a little banana.

If I could I would make you a little snack but I can't so all I can do right now is send you some love and hugs.


19-08-10, 19:40
Hugs Lynn, Hope you are feeling better soon

19-08-10, 19:52
hi lynn, my heart goes out to you, it's good that you can let us know how your doing, you are such a nice person, we all think the world of you xxx
please believe you will soon feel much better, i send much love and a big cuddle xxxx
crissy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-08-10, 21:04
Hi Lynn,

Sorry you are having a difficult time, here for you in any way I can be. In the meantime sending you great big ((((HUGS)))


20-08-10, 01:40
Hey Lynn,
I'm so sorry that you're having a difficult time right now.
Please try to keep in mind that it's only temporary and that you have loads of friends here who will support you!

24-08-10, 18:58
Hey Lynn,

Sorry to hear you are so low and that food is a problem.
Just to remind you that you can talk anytime.
Kevin. x

jude uk
25-08-10, 06:10
Its great that you know people are here for you and that shows to everyone just how great this site is.
:hugs:for you and wishing you well

25-08-10, 13:52
Sorry you are feeling bad Lynne .You will pull through this like youve done in the past .Sending you a :bighug1:to be going on with .Luv Sue xx

25-08-10, 14:30
Hi Lynne,wanted to send you a big:bighug1:.

I know how you feel hun,Iv been pretty low myself,have not wanted to face the day.

Thinking of you.:hugs: