View Full Version : Doctor concerned about my heart!

19-08-10, 02:03
Well I had to big Doctors appt. today and tomorrow I get the heart monitor for 24 hours and then next week the stress test. He told me he was very concerned and told me that my cervical disc in my neck and pinched nerve would have to wait until we saw how these test go! Now I am BEYOND anxious! If you pray send them my way please!

19-08-10, 08:48
What symptoms do you have? Palps? It sounds like your doctor is just doing his job, heart/chest complaints can't be taken lightly. I've had a 24hour monitor and other tests done just to make sure I'm okay. Nothing was found but the doc had to have them done so he could rule out a problem.

Please try not to worry.

19-08-10, 10:35
Hey Sookie

You must be feeling yuk about this. But you know that HA makes us think everything is a disaster when it comes to our health, but it very rarely is!!

Be brave and hang in there. It seems a lot of people on here have these tests done, and they are totally fine . Seems a natural step in dealing with anxiety related heart issues. Im sure that even if the heart issue is of minor importance health wise, the dr will always give a heart issue priority over anything else becuase its an important organ and big issues must be illiminated quickly and safely.

Try your very best to think about nice happy things at the mo and do nioce things that you enjoy doing. Sookie be nice to yourself !
