View Full Version : I feel like I can't breathe

19-08-10, 03:54
I had an allergic reaction to something three days ago. I have hives, then woke up to puffy eyes and swollen hands in the night. I went to the emerg at 4am. All the hives are gone but I am now scared my throat is going to close up. They gave me prednisone and benidryl. I feel like my throat is closing up at my adams apple. I am guessing it is stress but it still scares me. I am worring I am ignoring something important. I always worry that. Gosh I am a basket case right now.

19-08-10, 03:56
I started using a cpap machine last monday and I thought maybe my muscles in my neck are sore from it. Feels like a burp is caught. (it's not)

19-08-10, 09:35
Hi snuggles

Hives are really frightening; I've had them about three times in my life and had to have prednisolone for them a few years ago as the reaction was so bad.

If you're on the prednisolone and benadryl now, it's really unlikely that the tightness in your throat is still part of the allergic reaction, as they should be damping it down, particularly if your skin is starting to stabilise.

I would guess that it's the fear of the reaction coming back that is making you feel bad. The sensation in your throat is probably what is called a globus hystericus (there's lot of information on the site about it).

Have you arranged to go back to your doctor to find out what caused the allergic reaction? I would say this is pretty important and it may also help put your mind at rest.

14-11-13, 04:21
blueangel good advice! it would ease her fears to know what caused the allergic reaction