View Full Version : Tiny pin prick of light

19-08-10, 07:18
Hi, just wondered if anyone had experienced this before? I'm starting to get concerned about it now.

I've had floaters for ages so I know what they look like. I also know what blue entoptic phenomenon is and what I am about to describe is neither of those.

Anyway, from time to time I see what I can only describe are tiny bright pin prick type flashes. They can be anywhere in my field of vision, usually not in direct line of sight though. The flash happens for a split second and if I had to describe it further I would say that it looks like a tiny little camera flash going off in my field of vision. I am short-sighted and wear lenses but have noticed this with or without glasses/lenses or when I am un-aided.

The gaps between seeing these tiny little things used to be quite large but now I'm seeing them fairly often. My doc has never heard of anything like that but I'm thinking of booking an appointment with my optician. Since feb this year I've had my eyes checked by a few docs and a neurologist and they never mentioned anything but to be fair I wasn't complaining of this then. It was muscle symptoms after a flu like virus and more recently dizziness which seems almost constant.

Anyway, any responses appreciated.

19-08-10, 09:31
Hi there

I have had these for many years, and also ones that will whizz across my vision like shooting stars. They always seem to be worse when I am stressed, anxious or very tired.

I went to the opticians on Tuesday (hadn't been for 3 1/2 years, oops) and the guy who did the test said that apart from being a bit short-sighted, my eyes are perfectly healthy.

Hope this helps x

19-08-10, 10:35
I get these as well , very much so when in high anxiety, or tired, had my eyes checked three weeks ago, asked about them and was told this is quite normal when in our state, so please dont worry, oh and my eyes were fine.

19-08-10, 10:52
I have them also, ask your doctor about Depakin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valproic_acid).
a little about my vision Here

19-08-10, 13:16
I have had them occasionally for as long as I can remember - they tend to last a few weeks having them on and off all day then they go away for months. Becasue I have severe short sight I get checked out for every single symptom because I am at extremely high risk of retinal detachment but this is nothing to do with what you are describing. i was told by eye surgeon that they are usually caused by minute alteration in pressure of fluid in eye and stress and tiredness makes them more likely to happen.

The best person to see if you need reassurance is an optician who can if necessary put drops in your eyes and have a very good look or take fantastic digital photos of your retina.

If you get a problem with your retina you can get large flashes of light when you move your eyes especially if its dusk or dark or darkness like a curtain in part of one eye - exceptionally high blood pressure can give you a sudden rush of huge black floaters to the point where you think insects are landing on you so all symptoms of anything bad are very very obvious and dramatic.

19-08-10, 22:40
Thanks guys. Feel better this is not just me. My mate also said he's had them. Thanks again!