View Full Version : Can anyone relate to me???

Sarah Louise
19-08-10, 08:24
Morning everyone hope you are all well,

I have been on citalopram for about 4 months now, i started on 20mg and after about 12 weeks i got sky high anxiety so the doctor put me up to 40mg.
I have been on 40mg for 5 weeks on Saturday, but all this week i have this weird sensation in my stomach. Its not full blown anxiety its like a nervous feeling in my gut worse when i wake up but i have been having it through out the day?

Its driving me mad now i have had it since Sunday and its worse when a yawn which is bazzar?

Can anyone relate to me?

Thanks sarah x

19-08-10, 09:27
Hi Sarah

I'm a little behind you, so probably can't be much help, but I thought I'd share my situation anyway.

I was also on 20 which worked for a number of weeks before my anxiety blew up again.
As a result I got put up to 30 a fortnight ago but, so far, things have got worse. My anxiety is awful and I feel like I'm in a dream. I am aware that this is probably the side effects but I was hoping the SEs would be less severe as I already had Citalopram in my system. Maybe I was just being naive.

All I can say about your strange feeling is that, if you're anything like me:
a) you might be attaching too much importance to it
b) you might be assuming it's CIt related when it's not

Sorry I can't be more help. I hope it goes away - if it's just been since Sunday it's hopefully just a blip.

Can I ask - how long did it take for you to feel any benefits after being put up to 40?

19-08-10, 09:53
Hi Sarah,

I can kind of relate, I've been on 20mg cit for 4 weeks and my anxiety had now gone through the roof!! I was signed off for 2 weeks and got alot better in the second week bit now im back at work I can't sleep, im really anxious it's horrible. I was told you have your good days and your bad days but I hate feeling so good and now feeling so crap!

I know what you mean about the funny feeling in your stomach, mines there now and it's a weird tingly feeling that doesn't quite feel like nervousness but it's something.
Im going to the docs today and talk about upping my cit dose as I hate feeling like this :(

HB x

19-08-10, 09:54
I agree that in theory the step up should be easier but we all aint the same and react differently. What has your GP said suggested?

Years back now I did the the jump from 20mg to 40mg and didn't feel so bad but the anxiety/panic wasn't as big an issue as it is now.

Sorry if not much help.

21-08-10, 14:50
I started on 20mg, not 10mg and I didn't have too many issues. I did have some fairly extreme anxiety moments, but frankly I am so used to them.

Is there anything actuallly stressful in your life?

I find in the morning I am a bit nervous about commuting across London on packed tubes and facing the office. Once I get started I am ok, but its just that initial feeling of waking up a bit tired / vulnerable and knowing I have to leave the safety of my environment and put myself into social and stressful situations.

So to a degree a little bit of anxiety with those kinds of thought patterns going on is fairly normal.

I wouldnt' necessarily blame that on the drug, I had anxiety before. This drug is trying to help me control them not blot out all negative feeligns altogether. Just stop them being extreme and out of control.