View Full Version : Convinced myself I'm dying!

19-08-10, 09:49
Over the last week I've had lower stomach and lower back pain with lots of wind. I've also had to pee every half an hour all day with a strange sensation in my penis. I had a urine test and blood test monday and the doc said he would call if anything is wrong. Haven't heard anything yet. My anxiety is so high now I've convinced myself its cancer and that I'm going to die soon so much so I'm trying to write letters to my kids so they remeber me thinking about my funeral. Its really upsetting me and my life at the moment is consisting of waiting for a call or letter from docs confirming the worst! At 31 my life really is terrible.

20-08-10, 12:56
Please dont jump to conclusions anything is Cancer. The symptoms you mention sound pretty generic and could be completely nothing at all!

Lower stomach pains and wind could be something as simple as slight constipation or diarrohea perhaps , which may or may not be related to irritable bowel syndrome. All sorts of thinsg such as anxiety, what you've ate etc, can cause fluctuations in bowel habits and give you wind. With regards to need to urinate alot, at the worst this is probs some type of urinary infection. I really would try to relax for now, spend time doing soemthing fun with your kids because Im sure your fine, its just panic taking over! Breathe deeply. My doc always reassures me by pointing out you have no other other more specific symtoms of anything majorly wrong do you i.e. rapid unexplained weight loss, black stools or blood in stools, extreme fatigue etc. Please try not to worry. :-)

20-08-10, 16:15
these all sound like anxiety symptoms. u have a pain somewere and before you know it you have imagined loads of other pains associated with it. i know this because this has been my problem for as long as i can remember. i have been for countless amounts of scans and blood test over the years, and im still here.
i feel so bad reading ur post as i too started writing letters to my kids and husband, my mum and all the people close to me. it was that point my mum found the notes and convinced me i needed help. my poor head was so tired and weighed down, and i was running on nervous energy. it has come back recently but not as bad as ive had cbt and gained some control back!
i stil managed to convince myself that my 2 year old was seriously ill last week and cried most of the time worrying! turns out he was fine, just a bad case of tonsilitis!!
i have a 7 yr old a 2 yr ols and my baby is 5 mnths, and some times i worry so much in a day ive forgotten what ive done in the day! im only 28 and worry my ass off bout leavin every one behind!
its such a waste of a life! i dont know ur situation, if you have had help with ur anxiety but if you havnt, get some help!, get some control back. x x

20-08-10, 16:21
Since it's Friday you could call the doctor's office and ask if the results are in from your tests.
Could be a UTI or some sort of stomach bug.
Have you been drinking enough water?
Cranberry juice is good to ward off UTI and kidney infections.