View Full Version : Switching from Citalopram to Mirtazapine = anger / feeling agitated

19-08-10, 09:52
Hi all, hope someone can help me.

I've been taking Citalopram for the last month to relax me and help me sleep, but because my sleep was getting worse and I was getting more restless the doc switched me to 15mg of Mirtazapine to help with my sleeping more than depression.

I took the first tablet on Tuesday night (2 days ago) just before I went to bed at 11pm and it knocked me out. I slept through until 7.30 (apart from wanting to go to the loo 1/2 way through the night) and I haven't done that in such a long time. I thought, "Great. Finally I'm going to start having a good night sleep." Although I woke with a bit of headache I thought it was fine.

But when I got home from work last night I started feeling a bit agitated and I snapped at my wife for a harmless comment, which I shouldn't have done. Took another tablet at 10.30pm then went to bed. This time it took me about 1 1/2 hours to get to sleep and, when I finally did get to sleep, I had a restless night with very vivid dreams. I woke up this morning feeling very angry with everything and everyone, and I'm still feeling on edge now.

Have other people experienced this and how long does it last? Is it a temporary side effect or permanent?

I don't like this feeling, I was doing better without any drugs as my mindfulness meditation, which I've been doing since January this year, was helping me stay calm and relaxed. The only reason I agreed to take the tablets was to help with my sleeping.

I think I might not bother taking any tablets for my sleep problems and just try and sort it out using natural, alternative methods rather than drugs which are simply poisoning my system. I do not like this feeling of anger, which I haven't had since last December before I started my meditation.

:mad: Stephen :weep:

P.S. I've also posted this on the Zispin / mirtazapine forum

19-08-10, 09:58
I did a switch last April from 40mg of Cit to 30mg of Mirt. I aint gonna bad mouth Mirt because of my experiences as it works for a lot of people.

I found my sleep was amazing. Sometimes even sleeping for 10 hours some nights. I started getting the agitation later on at night on Mirt. From about late afternoon until I took my nightly dose. I don't know if was down to the Mirt or my general state of mind. I still get the odd mood swing so possibly was just down to circumstances.

19-08-10, 11:43
Mirtazapine is fantastic for sleep but I also found I was getting frustrated very easily around late afternoon/night time for the first month or so and then it really calmed down but like GG said I also get the odd mood swing here and there.
