View Full Version : Newbie to NMP and Anxiety

19-08-10, 10:38
Hi all, been reading this great website for a while so thought i would join up, for help and support and to meet new people who will understand how i feel!

So about me, im 28 around 3 months ago started with constant dizziness all day especially when sat or stood still and started losing weight. I have had an ECG, MRI of head and ears, Blood tests all came back perfect so my GP has told me I have anxiety gave me Propranalol and told me to learn to relax, I am currently off sick from work due to feeling generally unwell all day aches and pains, head rushes etc. Surely these awful constant daily feelings cant be due to anxiety or can they???

Would like to speak to people who know what i am going through and help me through this tough time.


P.S Sorry for the rant all about me, just find it frustrating my GP looks at me like im from Mars and sends me home again!!

19-08-10, 10:39
Hi mandylou28

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

19-08-10, 10:51
Hi Nicola

Thank you for the welcome......... looking forward to the use of this website.


19-08-10, 10:52
Welcome to the site, I only joined last night but it is helping me so much already. I have been experiencing panic attacks and constant anxiety for a few weeks now, this comes in the form if dizziness, feeling sick, headaches, just feeling generally fuzzy in the head and the most random twinges and aches and pains all over my body. initially i was convinced that there was some physically wrong with me, but something I have learnt from this site and just from observing myself is that anxiety and panic can do really weird things to you. It's hard to believe that the way you feel, even when you're not aware of it, can affect you so physically but it can. I am such a rational person and I'm medically minded because I'm a midwife and that has been the hardest thing to accept. Because if your body is in pain or isn't feeling normal, you assume it's something wrong physically, but the sooner you trust and believe that anxiety can do these things to you, I think you'll notice an improvement. My doctor also looked at me like I was a fruit loop and gave me propranalol.When i asked if he thought is was going crazy he didn't even answer me! But, bless them, if they haven't been through it, there is no way they can understand. It does seem crazy if you haven't experienced just how real and debilitating it is. You need to congratulate yourself on coming this far, on seeking help and just keep reading and finding out more information and seeing that you are SO not alone, there are hundreds of us out there. Reading about my syptoms and hearing other people have had them too has given me so much comfort.Do read through the articles on the left hand side and keep posting, talking helps so much.
Lots of love. xxx

19-08-10, 10:53


19-08-10, 11:19
Hi Sarah, Thank you for the response, Im glad your doctor looked at you like a fruit loop to because that means its not just me. Hehe. Seriously tho why do we do this to ourselves and deep down inside you tell yourself over and over its only anxiety and to calm yourself down but its so much easier said than done. It is hard to understand i have had every test in the world done and they have found nothing medically wrong with me yet i like yourself feel generally rubbish all the time and i usually dont have time for illness or these feelings as I work full time and have a busy family life too. Look forward to speaking to you again soon as yes talking does really help even more so with people that can relate to your feelings.

Hope you have a good day today.