View Full Version : confusing hunger and nausea

19-08-10, 11:35
I keep feeling really nauseous and weak, and sick. But then after a while my stomach will growl really loud and feel hollow. The sensation of nausea remains, but if I manage to eat something it often goes away.

Am I losing the ability to tell the difference between the two? Does anyone else get this?

19-08-10, 14:55
I was withdrawing from Olanzapine recently, and I couldn't distinguish between the two. It made me scared to eat! I have had it at other times too - hunger can make you feel sick. If it goes away when you eat, I would say maybe try to eat little and often throughout the day, so you don't hit a 'nauseous hungry stage'.


19-08-10, 15:53
Good idea. I used to get those boxes from graze.com. Maybe I'll start ordering those again

19-08-10, 15:55
i had this feeling when i was withdrawing from citalopram. i love those grazeboxes!

24-08-10, 10:34
Well, isn't this just dandy?

I've tried to be honest with work about my issues and to keep them up to date. After talking with you guys and doing some of my own research I decided to let work know what I was doing; explained that one possible cause of my wobbly days might be related to diet as above, and that I was going to try making various changes to improve that.

And my boss?

Gets angry. It's like he thinks I knew all along that diet was the cause of my issues and I was just letting it happen or something. I tried to explain that this is a process of elimination. The problems I have on the bad days when I cannot come in are all listed with the meds as side effects. But they can also be caused by other side effects, which can be controlled, improved with certain lifestyle changes. I tried to explain that I do not know for certain if this is the reason I've had bad days, if it is a contributing factor or completely unconnected, but that I wanted to at least let him know my situation. But he just felt then was the perfect time to warn me that he might not be able to pay me any more for sick time if I have any more bad days.

Like I don't know that? Like I haven't expected every single time I have a sick day that I wouldn't be paid? Like I'm not doing everything I can to deal with this? I am trying so hard to deal with my mental problems; and they are, lets face it, mental health issues. I have stopped my counselling now because I ran out of sessions and am trying to use what I learned to help me work through the healing process. But it is hard and slow and unpredictable and some days I move backwards, and at the same time I am dealing with the side effects of my meds and some things which may or may not be side effects, and I really am doing all I can.