View Full Version : The "one good thing you did today" thread.

19-08-10, 13:24
The main thing I've noticed about anxiety and panic is that it makes us focus so much on the bad things that we start to overlook the good.

This is a thread to post your daily successes and focus on the positive things we have done in spite of our anxiety.

I'll go first. Today I have started on a little project. I never commit to anything anymore because I've just been so down that I couldn't see the point. I've not done cross stitch since I was at school but today I've started on a huge piece of material and I am determined that I will finish it. Its going to be an abstract piece that will represent my struggles with depression and anxiety and hopefully my recovery.

Success number two: I answered the door! I went to hide as usual but I got brave and answered it and it wasn’t that scary at all.

I really hope that this thread takes off and together we can all celebrate our success! :D

19-08-10, 13:31
Well today Im really down and depressed,my mum had a fall few weeks ago and its painful for her to walk,she needed something from the shop and I really did not feel like going out.But I pushed myself got on my bike and went.

Iv only just got back on my bike after about 8 years,as I came off it and lost my confidence.Its not much but it is to me.xxxx:hugs:

Eva May
19-08-10, 13:33
I like this thread :) I've just decided to be more positive myself. Ok it's only 1.30pm but I suppose I went for a drive as a passenger in my mum's car today which I don't like doing because I always need to be the driver :)

19-08-10, 14:06
You've both done really well :) Its always good to push yourself out of your comfort zone a little bit, kind of proves that we're not out of the game completely :yahoo:

19-08-10, 14:43
decorated bedroom ,, painted had good day ,,:D

Jac 2009
19-08-10, 14:52
I did a few things today and felt a lot better. It really help to look back on a day and feel as though you have achieved something. Thankyou for starting post

19-08-10, 15:47
I went into town today to get my boyfriends birthday presents.
Good thread Emz. Keep up the positives everyone.

19-08-10, 16:15
Oh this is a good thread, i didnt do much really my mum came round for lunch and we done some gardening.
My freind is coming round in awhile and ive not fell to sleep today!! which ive done everyday this week, but im yawning my head off. lol

20-08-10, 16:07
I went into town again today and had something to eat whilst I was out :yesyes:

20-08-10, 22:45
You've all done so well - i was in work today and had a bad time for a few hours but managed to stick it out and then met my friend for tea even though the chest pains were hideous - just tried to carry on as normal although nearly caved in but now feel so much better so really chuffed with myself that I felt so bad and just got myself through - hurrah for me and for all of you x x x xx x

21-08-10, 19:13
I spent the day playing with my lovely little 3yr old neice. Everytime she gives me a cuddle and tells me she loves me..I feel like my life is worthwhile despite how anxious I have been feeling :hugs:

24-08-10, 09:01
Posted this in the alcohol thread but then thought it might be another good addition to this one.

Last night in the middle of the night I heard a window smash and we thought it was in the house. It wasn't, it was next doors upstairs window. Usually it takes a lot less than this to set me off. I was a bit scared for 10 minutes but no panic attack and no anxiety symptoms.

This morning I woke up to more smashing and found a fireman smashing another one of next doors windows. This didn't cause a panic attack either. Send my husband out to ask what had gone on. Turned out the roof has collapsed. Usually I'd be like omgg omgggg the roof is going to fall in and I'm going to dieeeeee. But no, nothing. Quitting alcohol has been the best thing I've EVER done.

24-08-10, 09:16
Went out for an hour or so to deliver leaflets for my Dads business. Didn't feel so hot doing it but know he appreciates it. Even though I slipped in front of someone and got a sore bum cheek this morning lol.

22-11-10, 21:31
I really didnt want to go to work today as ive been having panic attacks there. Had a restless night worrying about going.I can just about cope if i am doing my own job in my own room and nothing much changes. This afternoon I should of been going with my students to PE with someone at work who is a safe person to me. Another member of staff was having a hard time with a student who i have a good relationship with so I offered to stay and help. I knew this would make my anxiety much worse but felt so proud of myself after for putting someone elses feelings before my own. May cost me another nights sleep though lol. this is a lovely thread to read. well done for starting it x