View Full Version : Was this a panic attack?

19-08-10, 13:54
So last night I was out with my friend having dinner in London. I felt abit strange in the car going to the station, abit shaky etc and really tired like I couldn't keep my eyes open. Got onto the train, started listening to Morrissey - my favourite! and calmed down abit, I was still quite shivery though - even though it wasn't cold, now worried I'm ill of course.
Anyway, got to London and its always so busy so I can't really stand that, I used to love it, now I hate tube trains and busy London stations. I met my friend, I hadn't seen her in ages so it was abit awkward at first and I had to make lots of effort to make conversation.
We were eating our starters and I had a glass of tap water and a glass of rose wine. I was enjoying myself and although it was quite warm where we were I was still abit shivery.
Suddenly I felt very sick and felt as though the plate of food was coming up at me. A sudden heat rushed over me and I started sweating all down my back and front. I excused myself from the table, went downstairs to the toilet and put my head over the toilet bowl, hoping to be sick but nothing came out even though I was retching.
I ran for the exit (down two flights of stairs) because I thought I was going to faint, I had a rushing sound in my ears and couldn't hear much. When the cold air hit me outside, I was taken aback, of course London is so busy, I felt as though people were coming at me from all sides. I also felt as though everybody was staring at me. I had to literally hold onto the wall to stop myself from falling over. When I went back upstairs to the resturant my friend said I was shaking, I looked down at my hands and I was violently shaking. The whole evening after that I felt tired and had a headache. I would just like some advice to whether this was a panic attack or not. I have been in a state lately and have always suffered from anxiety so this would not come as a suprise to me. However I have booked a doctors appointment today to talk to him about it and rule out anything else i.e. diabetes or anemia etc. As I always feel tired/achey and shivery etc.
Does anyone else know what these symptoms could be apart from anxiety?

One more thing to add to this long message, I have just started a new job in a pub and I have only done a few shifts there yet I already hate it and I want to leave. This seems to happen in practically every job I have, I just can't go in everyday I can't physically or mentally do it, I was like it at school and university too. I have only been there a few weeks as I said and today I called in sick :( I just couldnt face it after last night's scare. Do you think they will sack me? as its kind of my prohabation period isnt it.

Thanks to whoever reads this long post, I'm just in a right state, think I'm ill, having what seems to be panic attacks, worried about losing my job, cant even go into work and feel tired all the time...what is wrong with me?!

19-08-10, 14:49
Poor you - you had a horrid experience. It could have been a panic attack - I get very nauseous with mine, and shaking and sweating fits with it. It could be that you have a stomach bug - that also fits the symptoms. I can't think what else - unless it was a reaction to the wine perhaps.

Hope you feel better soon.


19-08-10, 15:31
its sounds like a panic attack to me too i also get the shakes poor u hope you are feeling better soon x

19-08-10, 16:21
Thank you for taking the time to reply... I am having an awfull time of it atm :(

19-08-10, 16:59
Hi there,
Well done you for sharing that experience, it sounds awful. You've done the right thing and come to the right place :)
What you had does sounds like it might have been a panic attack, and as you'd had some wine as well that may have contributed.
In my experience, nothing had to directly cause the panic attack at the time. Mine always happen when I'm sat watchin TV or am doing something regular, never when I'm sat stressing over something. I'd imagine the new job and how unhappy it's making you is a big factor and if like me, you are just trying to cope with it and carry on as normal, it can be a trigger.
The feeling like everyone is coming towards you and the shaking also sounds like a panic attack. I'd keep an eye on it, take it as easy as you can. Reassure yourself that there are HUNDREDS of people out there who have these types of episodes and you are not alone. It may even be a one off. However, I would recommend sharing the experience with family and friends and making sure you are well supported. Also have a read through the information on the left because it is all really useful and helps you to understand what might be going on. Feel free to pm me if you need to :)
Lots of love hun. xxx

19-08-10, 19:11
Hi, Yes it sounds exactly like high anxiety. I get this lots when leaving the house and especially in shops and crowded places, im fine one moment then there it is again and I know its awful shaking and you wonder why am I like this and you also feel inferior to other people and hopeless and useless the lot, its very difficult indeed to have to live with this condition.