View Full Version : In a panic - ladies issues

19-08-10, 14:32
I recently went to see doc about pain during intercourse (only first had sex very recently) and very very irregular, and frequent periods. I was worried it must be either cervical, uterus or vaginal cancer. She did a quick internal exam and said I looked very red internally (inside vagina) and there looked like there was white discharge. She said this looked like a yeast infection and did a test, despite me saying i had no itching or pain or any other symtoms usually associated.

The test has come back today clear of a yeast infection! So now Im in a flap why on earth am I very red internally and what else could this be a sign of??? Vaginal cancer? Would the swab test she didn have identified if it was cancer or if they were only looking for a yeast infection is this all they would have tested for?

She didnt give me much info on the pain during intercourse or irregular periods bar make another appointment to see your own doc (this was a diff doc i saw). I have made another appointment but its not till the 1st Sept, as this is next one available!

19-08-10, 14:53
Ive only had sex maybe 4 or 5 times, last time was about a month ago! also we do use lube (sorry to be graphic at all) so dont think it could be that. Ive been avoiding it since it hurt, and a very understanding boyfriend has tried not to mind!

Also is def not an std, as used a condom each time and my boyfriend was also a virgin

19-08-10, 14:58
Sorry if this is too nosy, but what kind of pain is it? Is it deep inside, or more on entry (!). I've had both, deep inside as a result of loop diathermy treatment which left me with lots of cervical scar tissues (thanks doc!), the 'on entry' was due to me tensing up a lot after the surgery which made penetration a bit like trying to pass a camel through a needle eye!


19-08-10, 15:03
Could be the condom. You may have a sensitivity to latex. I do and had the exact same symptoms when using condoms. Have you tried to douche with just water to flush it out some?
Don't use vinegar and water or anything cuz that will hurt cuz you're already inflamed.
Any swabs they did would show if you had abnormal cells associated with cancer so it isn't cancer!
Hope you feel better soon!!

19-08-10, 15:19
Its on entry but also kind of feels a bit stingy or like a kind of stabbing deep inside... Tad worried it could be related to this embarassing post I made a while ago: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=70660

I cant find redness as a symtpom of cancer but then again as vaginal cancer etc is quite rare maybe its just not a common one....

By yeast infection, does this mean all types of infection have been tested for.... like vaginitus (dont really know wht this is lol)

Im quite freaked oyt by it, because I had no idea I was red inside (well I guess how would I) it was more the abnormal periods tht bothered me.

20-08-10, 09:31
Hey Louise,

I tell you what, the first time I had sex it was realllllly painful, and continued to be for a fair while after that. I'm not talking 5 times, I'm talking more like 10-15 times! It gradually got better, but it was painful for a while. I find that I'm very sensitive to condoms as well, so it may also be that. Even with lube they can be harsh if you're new to sex and have sensitive skin. You may just be very easily irritated down there.

If it's just red with no signs of infection (which they have tested for and ANY slight abnormalities would have come up so it's definitely NOT cancer or anything else bad)it really sounds to me like it's just a very sensitive area for you. Try and use a soap-free wash because soaps can also cause irritation which leads to pain and inflammation (the redness and discharge) because some are really quite strong! I find that some soaps cause me to be irritated down there. It's really worth trying a soap-free or sensitive product.

Re: your previous post, I can gauruntee you that it didn't cause anything problems and won't if you continue to do it, especially not cancer. And there's no chance of something so long ago being related to this now :) Go to an adult shop and but some 'toys' specifically for that use if it does worry you to use something else, at least that way you know for sure that they cannot do any damage because it's what they're made for! :)

And on the topic of irregular periods, my period has ALWAYS been irregular. I take the pill to regulate it. But also keep in mind that anxiety (which you seem to have a lot of right now) can also have a big affect on your hormones and menstrual cycle so it may just be stress that is causing it to be irregular :)

23-08-10, 13:06
Thank you so much for your post. It did put my mind at rest alot!

I managed to get a cancellation at teh docs and went today, and told her about the redness the other doc found and the extremely irregular periods. She sent me for blood tests straight away, the piece of paper indicated all sorts of scary things that were being tested for as well as levels of hormones e.g liver and kidneyfunction???? Is this standard? I nearly fainted at the sight of the needle but the nurse was very nice, they said could take anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks for test to come back. How long do you usually wait for blood test results? Am so panicing theyre going to find loads wrong with my blood that is even unrelated to the condition I went with e.g. that I have impaired liver functioning due to binge drinking etc. Never had a blood test before!

Shes also booked me in for a smear test on Wednesday and the hospital is going to contact me regarding an ultra sound! The thought of a smear test scares me to death, ive never had one and frankly they sound frankly medieval, Im sure im not going to be able to go through with it and I really mean this!! My docs phobia is extremely severe, so much so that I throw up at just the thought of the docs surgery or visiting someone in hospital let alone letting someone do something to me as simple as examining me so god knows how il cope with this!! Im sittting shaking right now! The test sounds like such a violation, and no one has even seen me naked down there before!! Plus, if the doc inserting her finger hurt like hell last time what will this be like!!

Then theres the ultrasound which sounded fine till she mentions they have to push a probe into your vagina to do it, which she even said you wont like and it will hurt!!! Plus this is oing to be in a hospital and I have NEVER been to a hospital to have anything done or even a consultation, bar one xray when I was about 8, which I sobbed hysterically through.

My doc has tried saying I have anxiety issues and doesnt realise its more a medical phobia that causes me to panic. My dentist is lovely and says he understands its just a medical phobia that makes me scared of him doing stuff to me, how are docs so thick they cant get there head round people being scared!! :-(

23-08-10, 13:32
Hi Louise.

I went through a similar thing about 10 years ago. I'd had some symptoms including discharge and irregular periods...I also have very heavy periods. I went along to the doctor. She gave me an internal examination and decided I probably had a mild bacterial infection which she gave me an internal pessary thingy for. I continued to have symptoms though so ended up going for another examination and a smear test at a clinic. The test came back normal :) :) My doctor put my symptoms down to emotional stress and told me not to worry and that everything was fine.

The discharge didnt clear and I had some stomach pains so I got sent for an internal scan of my ovaries...i think that's the same test you've been sent for. It wasn't painful...infact it was less uncomfortable than the smear! She scanned my ovaries and everything was fine :) Again I was told not to worry and that the symptoms were likely to be due to stress. After that I calmed down and the symptoms disappeared. The discharge remained but I have accepted that as just a normal part of me and my Mum used to suffer from it too...nothing to worry about.

Please try not to worry about the scan...it's quite a small probe they use and they are very very careful...mine didn't hurt at all. Keep us posted on how you're doing :)


P.S. I had to go to hospital to have the scan too but they were really nice and calmed me down. I freak out about hospitals, doctors, doctor's surgeries etc like you but I was ok. If they know you are frightened they will be extra kind to you and do everything they can to make you feel calm.