View Full Version : So scared again...

Natalie x
19-08-10, 15:02
You may have seen my thread yesterday about my eye hurting. It felt as though I couldn't move it properly and almost like there was pressure on it. Well, today my head felt a bit fuzzy and I looked up previous posts and saw something relating to tumors. Now I'm terrified that I have a tumor behid my eye. I'm getting myself in such a state. I'm so scared and don't wanna go back to the Doctors again. Would you know if you had a tumor? Also, my Mum said that my eye looked bloodshot the other day and I'm panicking about that. Please someone help! Thanks x

19-08-10, 15:08

This is a little wierd.. I have had the same thing for a month now.. I have had double vision also... I got myself in such a state!!! I even went to A&E... I had everything checked and everything was fine with my eye... I have been literally PETRIFIED...Like sudden feeling sick... tension in my neck causing headaches...What I have since noticed is that ANXIETY has caused ALL of these symptoms... Eye strain, fuzzyness IS a symptom of Anxiety!! If you try and relax (like I have been doing) easilly said/harder to do... But I noticed that since my initial EYE problem I have given myself EVERY other symptom this is also due to me stressing out... Please don't freak out!! Your doctor will put your mind at rest... Love Natalie (see we even have same name lol) xx

Natalie x
19-08-10, 15:11
Hi Natalie. Thanks for your reply. So you have had the same? I'm totally scared cause I've got it in my head that it's a tumor behid my eye. But would you have other symptoms if you did? See I'm the same. I am fixated on one thing and then something esle comes along and then I'm off worrying about that. Sorry to ramble on, I'm so worried that that's what I've got.


19-08-10, 15:15
one thing you could do to put your mind at ease try the optician..you might have a weekness in your eye

19-08-10, 15:15
It's like I'm writing what you are (but a couple of weeks ago) The amount of times I googled BRAIN tumour..I totally totally freaked out!! So much so I rang NHS Direct and went to A&E.... They said there is nothing to worry about... If you did have something horribly wrong it would become apparent when you first went to the doctors... I also think you would have severe headaches... THing is..The more you dwell on it...you will notice every little movement/flinch or your body..This made me worse... I can honestly say that what you started with was completely normal (Like a slight eye ball pain (which everyone gets now and again) Your thinking it's something worse which is amplifying everything... Deep breathes.. Smiles..You are fine xxx

Natalie x
19-08-10, 15:21
Thanks for your replies guys. I get so scared sometimes. Well 99% of the time! I went to the bathroom and looked at my eye an noticed that the wee red veiny bits you have on your eyeball, well one of them is almost at the colour bit of my eye. I'm panicking about that now and convincing myself that somethings wrong. But then I suppose that everyone gets these things, but they just don't notice because they don't focus or fixate on things as much as we HA sufferers do. My Mum had said that my eyes looked bloodshot and glassy the other day, but I had been crying and was tired that day. Do you think I will be okay? x

19-08-10, 15:35
I have just looked in the mirror and I have loads of red veiny bits... If you have been crying and tired you will definatly get sore/tired/red eyes... If you type a symptom like "brain tumour" into here..you'll see thousands of us all thinking the same thing... (Like me a week ago) You will look for every subtle change and now i have about 5 symptoms (from my original one)

I would go and see your doctor just so he can put your mind at rest xx

p.s I think ive had EVERY disease under the sun.. If i see it on google or anywhere else I'm like "OMG thats like me..Ive had those symptoms for ages" then i dwell on them all night and day..Stupid xxxxx