View Full Version : banged head

19-08-10, 16:37
I banged my head really quite hard today. It's not so sore to touch but it really hurts where I banged it and Im quite tired. I haven't slept much in ages and I've been arguing with my mum all morning and havent drunk/aten much either but I'm tempted to blame all my symptoms on my banged head. My ears also feel a bit funny, kind of cloudy. I'm really very scared indeed but if I phone NHS I'll get shouted at. I feel a bit light headed too. I'm really worried, please help.

19-08-10, 16:45
where on your head did you bang have you felt sick

19-08-10, 16:46
not felt sick no em on the left hand side, above my ear

19-08-10, 16:47
is it swollen

19-08-10, 16:48
not really no

19-08-10, 16:57
I banged my head really quite hard today. It's not so sore to touch but it really hurts where I banged it and Im quite tired. I haven't slept much in ages and I've been arguing with my mum all morning and havent drunk/aten much either but I'm tempted to blame all my symptoms on my banged head. My ears also feel a bit funny, kind of cloudy. I'm really very scared indeed but if I phone NHS I'll get shouted at. I feel a bit light headed too. I'm really worried, please help.

Why will you get shouted at? If you're worried you should call - it'll put your mind at rest. They might advise you to see your GP.

I'm sure it's nothing serious and you'll be fine though.

19-08-10, 17:06
i agree but i your worried you should ring gp but sure you will be ok:)

19-08-10, 17:23
can't call cos my mum says she can tell there's nothing wrong, was at about 11am this morning and apparently if anything was wrong i would have been ill by now. she says the reason my ear is blocked is cos I also have the cold. which I suppose might be right. taken ibuprofen to see if that helps. supposed to take cough medicine tonight but I;m too scared to take incase I'm ill in the night and don't wake up to realise. I'm 19 and a full time uni student btw I just get treated a lot younger, I suppose because I sometimes act younger! apparently I'd be wasting NHS time if I phone so I really cant ring them.

19-08-10, 17:27
well sure you will be but if you start to be sick or get very bad head you must ring ,,,its your life your body you do what you think is the best thing ,,,

19-08-10, 19:13
I can't imagine why you think the NHS would shout at you for ringing about your banged head? This is their job after all give them a ring.