View Full Version : Panic Disorder question...

19-08-10, 16:42
I've been suffering from Panic Disorder for 8 months now. I call it Panic Disorder but my GP says it's Anxiety Disorder. I've tried looking up the definition of both and comparing differences and I know they are both very similar in ways but I know that what I have is 'Panic' Disorder. All it is is Panic Attacks, just about as severe as they can get and every day without fail. I'm not depressed, nervous or anxious and feel fine the rest of the time when not having an attack. I thought that might be important to point out as I'm not asking for help as someone who is generally over worried and anxious about everything at the moment.

The problem I'm having at the moment is I am worried that I've been having new symptoms since the attacks started and that when I go to see someone about them (I've seen quite a few now) they instantly put them down to the attacks and won't investigate any further. I know that physical pain is a symptom associated with Panic Attacks but these don't seem to be caused by an attack, they seem to be completely seperate. They seem to be caused by physical things like certain movements or positions. The first was chest pain - stabbing and crushing. I did have an ECG for that though which turned out normal. A month and a half ago though I started having pain just under my left rib cage and it's been getting progressively worse which is what is concerning me the most. It varies between dull aching pain to stabbing and burning. It's worse after eating and when I lie down. Recently the chest pain has got worse while lying down too and if feels difficult to breathe (breathing problems is not a symptom of my Panic Attacks).

I know there's not much anyone can say on here other than try to offer reassurances that it's nothing serious, and that I should go and consult a doctor about it, but as that's the main problem at the moment... there seems to be no point going back again, I don't know what else to do?

19-08-10, 19:33
I know that you say you don't feel anxious other than when you're having a panic attack but to me it sounds like trapped wind which can be brought on by anxiety. I get it too, exactly the same and if its worrying you then it could well be an anxiety symptom.

19-08-10, 20:50
But you are getting anxious about what you percieve as new symptoms?
It all sounds like anxiety to me, It really is amazing the amount of physical symptoms that anxiety manifests. Anxiety disorder is not about being someone who is generally over worried and anxious about everything. The ability to deal with stress can be a big factor, caffiene intake another, have you read through the information pages that are provided on this site?
