View Full Version : update on my story

19-08-10, 21:31
hi everybody.
i know from experience how great it can be to read the success stories on here and how they can make you believe that you can live a good live with anxiety and even go as far as to live it without it!

as some of you know on here and as my name suggests i became very very phobic of having an allergic reaction to food. this stemmed from my general anxiety becoming focused on my health, and then to a fear of allergic reaction. it became so bad that at one point all i was eating was bread.

i think all of this started about may time. so now it is four months on and my gosh what progress i have made. i have been having acupuncture and CBT... after having to have a month off sick due to my anxiety and then working reduced hours, last week i finally went back to work full time. i'm day by day tackling my fears head on and tackling new foods. i even ate in a pub with work colleagues this week and i am SO proud. i also found out yesterday i have been offered a new job and i am going to accept it, because i feel like it's time for a change and to move on.

the past 4 months have been hell but i finally feel as though i have am emerging the other side. my journey has been med-free, with natural therapies and lots of support from my friends and family and everybody here on NMP. i am by no means anxiety free but i am starting to feel not like my old self but somebody even better and stronger and more aware than i was before.

i was very anxious and depressed before all of this extreme phobia started... and this is how it manifested itself. anxiety makes you put everything off until tomorrow, until you are better. but the biggest part of me feeling better is doing things TODAY. then you can be proud of yourself and start to work your way back up.

Thank you everybody xxx

Veronica H
22-08-10, 18:54
:yesyes::bighug1:So pleased for you, and thanks for the advice.:flowers:


23-08-10, 12:38
thanks veronica x :D

23-08-10, 12:43
great news you have done good:hugs:

23-08-10, 21:48
thanks gypsy :) xxx

23-08-10, 22:09
Fantastic, you are doing really well, it's so good to hear success stories.