View Full Version : Supermarkets!!!!!!

19-08-10, 21:52
Im in recovery from anxiety disorder but i still get bad dizziness & 'spaced out' feeling whenever i go into a supermarket. I dont get it as ive never ever been anxious being in supermarkets, im not anxious around people, im actually the complete opposite, i very confident and forward, but i dont get why everytime i go shopping i walk around like everything is a dream and im really wobbly on my feet and i cant focus on things on the shelves and have to keep readjusting my eyes. I have 20/20 vision and have had my eyes checked by an eye specialist in hospital (as i also get eye floaters), but everythings normal. I dont get it and its driving me insane!!

Ive just had my 24 hour ECG tape removed today, as i have had heart anxiety in the past but docs wanna make sure coz my mum and great grandmother have mild heart problems. so wanna check my symptoms properly. I just wanna know what it is thats making me feel all weird when i go shopping!! I went clubbin the other night and didnt feel weird atall, i just dont understand it!! Ive seen ENTdoctor at hospital and they said i might have eardrum trouble as my hearing is slightly lower than normal and my eardrum in my right ear doesnt move properly, i have negative pressure or something.. So maybe its my ears but i dont get this weird spaced out feeling, it actually affects my vision badly, which worries me a bit..

Any ideas?? x

19-08-10, 22:22
Hi, Yes, I get this, but I think the lighting in the large stores has got a lot to do with it its not natural light.

19-08-10, 22:30
Yes I agree it is all about the lighting in there

20-08-10, 14:22
Yep I get this too, it is definitely something to do with the lighting

20-08-10, 16:30

I have this to. I posted recently again because its really getting me down. Supermarkets are my worst place and shopping centres. When i first started getting panic attacks i had my worst one in supermarket so i always have this fear it will happen again.

I feel so spaced out when im in there and feel like the ground is coming up to meet me. I can focus properly and i feel like i am gonna pass out.

I just dont no wot to do to get over this

love mandie x

20-08-10, 16:36
I get it too, I think it is the lighting. When I was able to work if I nipped to wilkinsons to buy lunch I'd float around in a dream like state, feeling really dizzy and spaced. I'd be fine once I left.

21-08-10, 19:31
Yes i spose it might be the lighting. Ive recently been looking this up on the internet and found this link:


I think i have this as every symptom listed, i have. And i never ever feel anxious so i feel its this that is making me feel the way i do, read the symptoms and i have all of them. The part that says supermarkets worsen the dizziness is so true..

I am seeing ENT specialist at end of this month as i do have inner ear trouble, so im guna print off this document and take it to them..

I do think lighting has something to do with it though, i just dont get how lighting can make you wobbly and spaced out?????

Very strange!!