View Full Version : Anxiety question relating to eyes?

20-08-10, 12:51

For the past week, I have noticed my right eye feels weird, aches slightly (1 out of 10 for pain), so it is ok to cope with but because it's there, it has started to make me worry incase I have a tumour behind the eye.

Over the past week, it has not got worse, just staying the same etc.

I have suffered with anxiety for ten years as some of you will know, which I have improved over the last 12 months but I have never realy had any anxiety related symtoms regarding the eyes.

Can anxiety do this to your eye, especially if I keep focusing on it, which I am 24/7?

My wife has got me in for an eye test on Sunday but I'm worried I'm going to early because my eye test is not due until next April and I keep thinking should I be seeing a doctor instead, which I have made an appointment with my my doctor, which is not until the 14th September.

Any advice would be gratefull, because my anxiety is mainly regarding tumours / cancer, thankyou.


20-08-10, 12:58
I'm really new to this site but it's amazing how many different people have the same things I have ... I've had double vision for a month now.. I was convinced it was a brain tumour (I even sat in A&E for 2 hours) After getting an appointment with an eye doctor they found nothing wrong... Still I was (and am occassionally am) plauged with the idea there is something wrong.

I have since joined this site and noticed many many people have all sorts of vision problems.. Eye strain, Lights and Flashing, Eye Floaters, Double Vision..All associated with Anxiety!!!

Its AMAZING what Fear can do to our bodies!! I'm still in early stages of realizing whats happening...

If you did have a brain tumor...Your motor function would be affected you'd probably have horrendous headaches and blackouts... Eye strain can be caused by tiredness, watching to much TV..Concentrating on things too much..Or just general eye tiredness...

Just go to GP to put your mind at rest xxx

20-08-10, 16:47
I've had a few eye problems over the years and got myself up to high dough about them, but even although they were genuine problems they weren't serious. It could even be eye strain. It's almost never what we fear the most. It's amazing what the optician can tell from your eyes and if they were remotely worried then they'd send you to a doctor anyway. I bet it'll be nothing so please try not to worry too much.:hugs:

20-08-10, 17:09
I have it for years now and exactly with my right eye. I used to worn sunglasses everywhere every time sometimes even in bed I had them. My right eye hated lights as hell and sometimes that made me really mad. It is better now but not completely after some medicines . My right side of my head is also looks heavier and had pain almost all the time............