View Full Version : Best way to taper off mirtazapine

20-08-10, 13:07

I am on 15mg on Mirtazapine a day and have been for approx 6 months. I have agreed with my doc to try and come off meds completely now that my situation has changed and the anxiety is "sleeping".

She advised to do this gradually but wouldn't really commit to the best way, suggested either cut the tablet by half each day or take a whole tablet every other day and go from there.

Any advice on what way members have experienced/advise would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks
S. :yesyes:

20-08-10, 13:23
Id cut the pill in half and keep taking that half dose until you feel ok with it. Ie no side effects. Then cut that pill in half, so youre only taking 1/4 of the pill and repeat.

20-08-10, 13:32
Thanks Vixxy, I am going to start tonight. I've found before effects usually occur on a 2 week cycle, so if ok after 2 weeks i'll cut into quarters

S. x

20-08-10, 13:55
I personally think gradual is the way forward. Give your body time to adjust maybe 2 or 3 week cycle.

That's my advice anyway. Think is something only you and your GP can agree on.

Best of luck hope it goes well.