View Full Version : Safe???

20-08-10, 14:05
after uping dosage of mirtazipine 2 45mg and often taken 60mg I am starting 2 get agrophobic havent been out 4 almost a month now and shame is setting in dont kno why but its happening anyone else had same expierience?:unsure:

~glowly worm~
07-09-10, 21:17
Hi discostu,

It so long since i took mirtazapine i can barely remember it and my experiences might be very different to yours.

However i'm just wondering, did the not going out begin before starting on the pills or after?

Also, are you able to see your GP/consultant about it as if they are not helping/getting worse it sounds like you need them reviewing. Please try not to fel ashamed, this is NOT your fault.

Forgive me if this doesnt help much, im a new-ish-be ;)

~ glowly ~

13-09-10, 15:43
i wonder how long you have been taking medication ?
in general, it has to get worse before it gets better and negative feelings are very common in the first 2 or 3 weeks.
also, it is possible you may be on the wrong drug. both citalopram and mirtazipine did nothing for me and that was taking high doses for months.
the one that worked was venlafaxine but the side effects were worse.
i agree with glowly worm and second that maybe a chat with the gp is in order.