View Full Version : Anyone with lower groin or testes pain or low bak?

26-02-06, 19:33
I think I have IBS that could be linked to Orchitis or Epidymitis. Does anyone else have pain after ejaculation, not during, maybe the day after? I think my IBS is a direct result of this. Also does anyone pain around the groin or lower lymphes. I also have a lower degenerative disc I think is linked, it's unusual b/c I'm only 27. Please post b/c I am really looking for info on this, I havent had any doctor help with it and when you go to the ER with pain they chalk it up to anxiety. Well i think only half is anxiety really, b/c no matter who relaxed I am it still comes on.


26-02-06, 20:03

Any physical worries should be checked out immediately by the doctor, just to put your own mind at rest, after all they are professionals & can see the symptoms.


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In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

27-02-06, 05:23
I found another group for guy with this type of pain and one guy posted he gets panic attacks b/c of it too. I can bet there are more of us out there. Let me.... Or if you want the site I can post it.