View Full Version : Waiting for test results

20-08-10, 16:24
I had blood tests this morning and I have to wait at least a week for the results. My anxiety is through the roof right now and I don't know what to do. I am long time sufferer of HA and have no major health problems at least ones that have been identified but I have been having a lot of dry skin and dry hair and some weight gain. I am freaking out that this is kidney or liver or cancer or God knows what. The test I had was a standard blood CBC but I just know that it is going to find something. I feel weak and tired and I am listening to every inch of my body and finding things wrong. I feel like this anxiety is going to make me collapse or make me jump out of my skin. Oh Lord I just can't live this way.

20-08-10, 16:31
Had bloods taken this morning, so scared for the results as I have a massive list of unexplained symptoms :'(

20-08-10, 16:35
Midnight. I hope all goes well for you.

20-08-10, 16:37
You too x

20-08-10, 17:02
Midnight, what symptoms are you having?

20-08-10, 18:00
try not to worry, I'm just the same as you. Hate having tests as I always manage to convince myself they'll find something nasty - they never have done. I'm sure you'll be fine x