View Full Version : Why did I google?

20-08-10, 17:03
I just Googled and the first link that comes up is 'Warning signs of Heart Failure'


When I wake up in the morning I feel really tired and my heart is racing/throbbing then after a bit it calms down, I dont know anyone else this happens to - anyone here?

Im only 23, i dont really want to die young.

20-08-10, 17:22
maybe its just easier to end my life earlier so i dont have to go through the nightmare of heart disease

20-08-10, 17:30
Hey, really try not to worry too much. My ex used to get a racing heart a lot but it was diagnosed by his doctor as a symptom of his anxiety. His heart is fine and well. Maybe see your doctor if you're worried but there's a very high chance it's nothing too serious, just a bit annoying!

20-08-10, 17:51
maybe its just easier to end my life earlier so i dont have to go through the nightmare of heart disease

I have heart disease/heart failure so are you saying I should just give up now as well and end it all? :ohmy:

Not a very positive attitude is it when you haven't even been diagnosed with it and it is highly unlikely at your age.

Cell block H fan
20-08-10, 18:04
Why did I google?

We've all done it honey. Bad idea. At your age it's very unlikely to be heart disease, the very very few people in their 20's that have heart attacks have an underlying heart problem, usually genetic I think, & they dont get any warning.
I think with anxiety it's quite common to wake with heart racing, & tiredness is part n parcel for sure. It's tiring on the body stressing all the time.

20-08-10, 19:42
Your symptoms sound very much like anxiety/panic and it's highly unlikely to be heart disease at your age unless you have a family history of it.

You will be fine, I promise.

20-08-10, 20:15
Hey UK23

Try not to worry I woke up at 2.45 this morning sweating and my heart was racing at 100mph. I thought i was having a heart attack even tho i had an ECG wednesday. It was that bad i had to go and sit outside on the garden till i managed to calm myself down. Im 28 so a little bit older than you but i always fear something terrible, but in the end its always plain old anxiety causing it.

Please try and remind yourself of that.

Take care


20-08-10, 20:51
Sorry Nicola and thanks for the replies.

I went for a walk today, a brisk walk then came home and checked my pulse and blood pressure (i know i shouldnt) and it was normal.

I think the thing that worries me is that I get worried that my blood pressure is too low for a smoker, too healthy.

20-08-10, 21:00
I accept the apology though it did upset me at the time.

What are your blood pressure readings?

20-08-10, 21:33
Morning: avg: 115/55
Daytime: 120/60
Evening: 120/60-65
After exercise (went for a brisk walk today): 115/63

Just had a shower and now 110/60.

I would like to know what can lower a blood pressure without trying to use Dr Google too much, each time I do that it makes me more anxious.

Could it be that I am actually fit and healthy despite not doing that much exercise?

Could it be that maybe I just don't eat enough food/fats etc. (my avg calorie intake is about 1200 per day).

Or could there be an issue?


20-08-10, 21:37
They sound like pretty good readings to me. I think a doctor would be very happy with them. Have you asked a doc about them?

Do you drink much water? If you get low blood pressure then you are advised to drink more water.

I don't think there is an issue to be honest - I think you are fine.

21-08-10, 04:16
Don't worry dude :)

I had this worry as well. I went for a COMPLETE checkup of my heart at my docs, and also ensure I get plenty of omega 3 and garlic :) And multivits! I'm sure all is a-ok in there - that's what the doc says!

I would recommend the same, it gives you really good piece of mind :)

Oh, and watch the ol' saturated fats n stuff! hehe