View Full Version : dont want to be back here (emotionally)

20-08-10, 19:51
i can feel myself slipping back into the emotional turmoil for no reason. I AM NOT ILL - there is nothign physically wrong with me - i know this, and yet I make a catastrophy out of anything, feel overwhelmed constantly and am just so unhappy. it's so much the feeling of 'what;s the point'. not to the point when I actaully want to harm myself (been there many years ago, and it wasn;t nice) but more - what;s the point because we are all going to die - some sooner than others, so why does anything matter.....i just want to curl up in ball and sleep until i feel better - a bit like hibernation i suppose. I know in my heart of hearts that this is the blackness of depression coming back, but i don;t want to admit it to my nearest and dearest for the fear of they judgement about how weak it is, or that they ahve to compensate for my lack of productivity. i just feel so crap.