View Full Version : Hello everyone!

21-08-10, 00:37
Wow i am so glad i found this site, while on my anxious searches :wacko:.

Anyway i am a single 29 year old male serving in the Air Force. I have been in the military for almost 9 years, it has been really good to me. One reason i want to find help for this because i can be possibly discharged for it and i sure do not want that, especially the economic crisis we are suffering these days.

Sorry this is going to be pretty long, but i want to get all of me out there and over with lol;)

Anyway this all started about this time last year, i had a huge panic attack at the end of work one day in my office and thought i was dying. Your basic symptoms, Heart racing, feeling like your in a plane crashing, vision closing in, breath taking away, all scary stuff. Well i have always been one to keep to myself so i told noone. On the drive home it kept wanting to come back and i seriously thought i was going to have to pull over, came home and just pretty much conked out on the couch and woke up a little better but still shaken. I went and got checked out at the Hosipital the next day. Results came back i was Hyperthyroid. Which as i am sure some of you know this triggers anxiety attacks. So i started seeing an endo. He didnt put me on medication, but just monitored my blood work monthly.

I was diagnosed with thyroiditis, meaning i would go from Hyper to Hypo and then possibly level back out. Well long thyroid story short to fast foward to this day was, i end up staying Hypo and come to find out was a Auto Immune Thyroiditis leaving me hypo. I am seeing another endo in town next week because my current one still refuses meds or any treatment in hopes it will level out. In April on my way toward hypo stage, i suffered a more intense Panic attack at work than i ever have before, greater than the first. I really though i was a goner this time, and i had body tremors like no other. I had my boss take me to the ER and they ran tests and of course everything checked out fine.

Sooooooo.. This last month i have been having smaller panic attacks daily, and sometime throughout the day as in, feeling very shaky, uneasy, lightheaded, shortness of breath sometimes, all that mess that stays in your head constantly. It is like my brain is constantly monitoring my life line and any slight changes triggers my attacks, IT SUX! I lose my appetite, loss of sleep everything. I woke up this morning and called the ER explaining my symptoms and the guy was like i think you can prolly wait to see your doctor. lol. I woke up with cold sweat, tremors, numb feeling in my arm to pinky, upset stomach, and then there goes the racing heart and all that.

Being Hypothyroid this are not really common symptoms, it can happen but rare. So i explained all these symptoms i was having chest pain etc. I was demanding a MRI on chest and he basically said YOUR HEALTHY! Everything we have checked is good so that would be a waste of time. He said he believes i have an Overactive Sympathetic Nervous System which pretty much intertwines with Anixiety and its symptoms. Look it up, it pretty much described me to a T. I will be seeing a psychiatrist next month to talk about all this and try to help get my mind right.

Phew ok well i will try and wrap this up now lol. So much to tell thou with this crazy disorder. I am so glad again to find this site and feel like i am freakin crazy and losing it. It is good to know that i have company and not alone. Thats the other thing that sucks is i live alone and have no significant other to help me through this and makes it scarier when you are by yourself. Ok well i am done for now, if you read all of this thanks! :yesyes:

21-08-10, 00:38

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

21-08-10, 00:46
Hi jayq

I joined the site yesterday and have had so many responses and warm welcomes from all the members, makes me feel so much better with people who understand where im coming from.


Vanilla Sky
21-08-10, 19:51
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

21-08-10, 19:52
Welcome to the group, Jay :D

Paul (Froggy)

22-08-10, 03:13
Thanks everyone! You know waiting these 5 days to chat and talk to others sure doesnt make my anxiety better lol.