View Full Version : worried im insane?

21-08-10, 01:10
i know anxiety will always find a way of coming out. what i am anxious about varies. recently ive been so scared that im going crazy. to reasure myself through this anxious period i sometimes talk to mysel (work out my problems out loud) or ( convince myself im not mad) is this normal??
i stupidly just googled 'signs of insanity' ...i google everything i get scared of. a couple of sign stood out and i nearly lost it. thing is i think i know im being silly and im just having a rough few months. i was told if you think your going crazy then you cant be!! lol am i just paranoid. does anyone else go through similar?? xxx thank you :)

21-08-10, 01:12
Yes it is true - if you are going insane you don't know it so you would not even post asking if you were lol

You are fine

21-08-10, 01:53
oh boy, haha yes I always go through a day or so of feeling really weird like my brain is not working and worry I'm going crazy.
just remind your self you have had the feeling and fear before and that it's just anxiety and will eventually pass.

becks xxx
21-08-10, 01:53
Holly we've all been down this road soooo many times and i can promise you your not going mad! I know its so easy to get so caught up in the cycle, because u feel soo 100% sure ur going mad, but u arent. Anxiety needs an outlet, this is it for you at the moment. Lately ive really stopped myself from googling, it's the worst thing you can do! I convinced myself of having so many things its was unbelievable, and when u see these things, then a few days later ur feeling anxious, it all comes rushing back such as "omg but wait that thing on the website the other day said this.." pls try and limit it! Let me know how u get on, ur not mad!! try distraction :) x x

21-08-10, 02:03
People who suffer a psychotic break from reality demonstrate a very unique phenomenon known as anosognosia, which is just a fancy word that means unawareness that someting is wrong with them. Talking to yourself would not constitute a sign of psychopathology at all. Realize that when you observe someone with psychosis, they are not talking to themselves but rather someone they believe to be present within their delusional state.

You'll be just fine. Your symptoms appear more to suggest stress and anxiety.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

22-08-10, 00:32
thank you all so much. im felling a bit better today.deep down i know its me over thinking. but its just that anxiety has taken the scariest form recently. thinking im mad, and not always feeling like im in reality, i cant describe it really. everything seems weird,tuning in to strangers in the street.out of body almost...thinking about what life is, how it works, how we are strange things walking around.looking at my family and thinking..your strangers!! lol.. its just so freaky to think about.im guessing this is all normal too though?..i hope.lol. thanks again though.comforting to know. xxx:)

22-08-10, 03:19
I am feeling EXACTLY the same Holly. I feel like I'm going insane and going to end up in a mental institute. I think about things too much, get scared of things that I really shouldn't and worry one day am i going to be insane. I even picture my family visiting me in the mental ward?

Ever felt like this? It's just awful I know trust me!

22-08-10, 08:58
I agree with all the posts here. I go through similar experiences myself of 'I'm going insane' 'i'm losing it'. It is said that a person doesn't know they are going insane and the thoughts can be that of symptoms of anxiety and/or depression.