View Full Version : Hi folks

21-08-10, 08:07
Newbie here, hope everyone is doing well. Found this site whilst trying to get my head straight following a bad period of anxiety and depersonalisation. I've suffered for around 10 years, i think i have health anxiety and i'm probably a hypocondriac. I know this doesn't sound right but it is good to read other peoples stories and find out i'm not alone. I'm actually doing not too bad at the moment, just about to start a new job at the end of the month and really looking forward to it, my current job is making my anxiety worse. I'm currently senior engineer in my workplace and have a great deal of responsibility, basically i am the focal point for all the grief in my work. In my new job i will be responsible for myself only, does anybody think it is a mistake to leave a job as i might be running away from my anxiety ?.

21-08-10, 08:09
Hi fivestarblue

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

21-08-10, 08:39
Welcome to NMP and you will get lots of support here. Good luck with the new job! No, I don't think you are running away from your anxiety. You are doing something for you which is removing stress and thinking about yourself, probably for once. I personally don't think everyone is suited to senior/line manager positions because I think you have to be a particular personality. There's no shame in that. I'm sure as time goes on and you start your new job then you'll definitely feel you've done the right thing and start to relax more.:hugs:

21-08-10, 09:07
Welcome to NMP and you will get lots of support here. Good luck with the new job! No, I don't think you are running away from your anxiety. You are doing something for you which is removing stress and thinking about yourself, probably for once. I personally don't think everyone is suited to senior/line manager positions because I think you have to be a particular personality. There's no shame in that. I'm sure as time goes on and you start your new job then you'll definitely feel you've done the right thing and start to relax more.:hugs:

Thanks for the reply, that's what i'm hoping for although whenever i get a new job i end up running things or being given more responsibility lol. I wish i was one of the people that can switch off from thier work at home time but i can't. some books i've read preach not to fight your anxiety and other preach fight so it's difficult sometimes to know what to do for the best, i suppose it's just what works for each individual.

21-08-10, 09:23
I think when you fight it then you are instantly making yourself more anxious. To accept it and try and carryon normally brings less stress. Not easy, but definitely works given time. It's about accepting your anxiety and not trying to constantly fathom out why you are battling on like this. Some people are just anxious, myself included, and I constantly wind myself up! It's about not letting is overtake your life that is difficult at times. Anyway, you sound like you probably are a born manager deep down and through time you'll probably get back into this position again when your confidence grows. You are only human! Hopefully this job will help you on the way to recovery again:hugs:

Vanilla Sky
21-08-10, 19:48
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

22-08-10, 07:28
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

Hi Paige,
Thank you for the welcome :)