View Full Version : setback :(

becks xxx
21-08-10, 15:02
I was doing so well these past 2 weeks, i made sure i was doing things everyday and actually kept it up. Even some days was just a walk, some was a shopping centre for like an only but it made me feel so beter in myself, like i was finally realising my own progress, finallly felt like i was moving along.

This week however, i no i have to go to the doctors about something, and i keep putting it off and off cos im just so scared- now its been rescheduled to monday and im getting so worked up over it. My good mood has just totally gone, im back with the fear im going to go mad and i feel like ive gone back a hell of a lot. I also get this thing sometimes that i cant explain..it's like say im singing a song in my head, sometimes a word will just keep repeating itself, so now im defintately scared im going mad .. I just can't stop crying, everything was going so well for me, i honestly thought i was finally on my way to recovery, now i feel hopeless and everything again .. any advice x

margaret jones
21-08-10, 16:36
Hi Becks
Sorry you are feeling like you have a little set back , but you will be ok i think these little set backs are important for us to learn that even though we have them we can move forward towards our goals.

Like you i have been doing really well for about 3 weeks doing loads of positive things , but i do expect to have set backs and except them BUT keep moving forward .
That was a bit of a rant :ohmy:

Hope you soon feel better :hugs: mAGGIE

becks xxx
21-08-10, 17:39
Do you know why we get them? i spent all morning dwelling on why i feel so bad again after feeling so good.. and for the past few hours tryed distracting myself so much, i just cant. I feel so disappointed in myself, for beating this thing for 2 weeks, for it to have major impact on me again!
The other week i had everyone telling me they had seen improvements themselves, i felt soo good- now i feel like ive let everyone down , thanks maggie x

21-08-10, 17:43
Everytime you come through a setback you actually get a bit stronger. Setbacks feel so bad because you've actually been feeling better and it shocks and reminds you what you felt like before. It'll pass. Also, don't worry about the word in your head - just like you said, sometimes songs go round in our head, there's no difference and it's absolutely nothing to worry about. You'll get through this again so please don't despair:hugs:

becks xxx
21-08-10, 17:55
Yeah i can see and understand why we do come out stronger, but yeh it's just such a shock! Does anyone know why we actually get these setbacks??.. thanks so much for replys guys x

21-08-10, 18:28
I now like to look at setbacks like a "bad" day. Everyone has good and bad days but when we suffer from anxiety we analyse our every thought and feeling from day to day, "I felt okay yesterday, but awful today, oh no!" People who are not particularly anxious will have bad days but don't look into them so deeply. Life in general is about up n downs. My mother used to tell me this time and time again when I first suffered from anxiety. So don't despair.:hugs:

21-08-10, 19:56
Im in exactly the same place as you are. Ive been having a really positive time. Finally felt like I was moving forward and then the past few days Ive been getting more anxiety attacks. Im trying to keep my chin up by telling myself I can get through it though.
The reason I think we have set backs is because when we are getting better and better each day we start to push ourselves even harder. And that pushing causes extra stress and pressure, which translates to anxiety. As you move forward youll find that each setback will be less than the previous one and the time between them will get further and further apart.

21-08-10, 20:56
I agree. As we get better, we push ourselves more and more and challenge our fears. This causes stress, so there will be times we will have more anxiety. I have been doing lots better, controlling my tachycardia with my panic attacks and doing a lot of challenging. This weekend my doctor decided to try a 24 hour haltar monitor for my tachycardia. She is convinced that all my tachycardia is caused by panic, because I have been in the ER several times and my EKG's were sinus tachycardia, but normal. Now today wearing the monitor I have had two episodes of tachycardia and it really has set me back as I am very fearful of them again. I am hoping that this is just because I was more nervous with the monitor on and I am afraid they will find something wrong. She is still pretty sure this is all anxiety, but thought this would give more reassurance to me also. I hope so when I get the results.