View Full Version : glad to see the support is still here!

26-02-06, 20:55

i havent really been on the site for a long time. i suffered with anxiety 18 months ago and this site helped me through that difficult time. i have been anxiety free for about twelve months (i have the odd moment but nothing major and mostly at mentrual time). the past week i have felt it coming back but today i have been my worse.

i havent had it easy over the past few months - i split with my partner in sept (back together now), i lost my dad suddenly in dec (with funeral payment down to me and my sister), xmas, and four weeks ago discovered i was pregnant. i made the decision that i wouldnt continue with the pregnancy as i have two children and i'm currently in my final year of uni (training to be psychiatric nurse).

they offered me the tablet termination which i accepted. i took the tablet mifepristerone on fri. from the beginning i have been unsure about taking this as i am a bit uneasy about taking meds which i dont no how they will affect me. i tried to explain my anxieties to the staff but they just thought i was a bit neurotic. after taking it i have felt really ill and today have been really anxious. i am due for the second part of the termination tomorrow (where the pregnancy will come away)

i dont no wether to put it down to the stress of the the termintation, the hormone which they have given me (i dont tolerate hormones very well) or a build up of everything which is gonna take me months to get better again??????????

i feel like i cant tell anyone how im feeling and i no that makes things worse, i just feel like i want to be alone. im just glad i can come here and read eveyone elses experiences and advice

dawn x

26-02-06, 21:36
Hi Dawn

Im so sorry to hear of all the things you have been through.

You are certainly not alone, we are all here to help & support each other, rather than being on your own you need a alot of support at the mo.

Take Care

Sending hugs to you.


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

26-02-06, 22:30
Hi Dawn

Great to hear from you again.

You are not alone at all and we will help you all we can.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

Sue K with 5
27-02-06, 00:28

Its a tough decision to make for anyone, its even harder when you have suffered anxiety and panic. I know that what your feeling at this stage is mainly a build up to the worry and not the effect of the medication. By tomorrow night the feelings should subside and you will eventually after a few days start to feel a little better.

Its an emotional time and emotions tend to take over and make the anxiety heighten.

My thoughts are with you and I am sending you a big hug for tomorrow

xxxx sue
