View Full Version : I know there's a lot of this going around but, should I get an HIV test?

21-08-10, 20:18
Hi all,

Back story -

I've been in a relationship with the same guy for 5 years. We are both monogamous. I had no sexual partners before him and he had 3 other sexual partners. He used condoms with 2 but the third was just a one time oral-sex deal and he didn't use anything as far as I know.

We waited like 2-3 years into our relationship to have sex and we always used a condom (except for oral.) A month or so ago we decided to rely on the pill, but we used the withdrawal method too. We had sex 4 times condomless and then I got a yeast infection and I felt kind of run down. I treated my yeast infection with an over the counter three day treatment and then I started to get bad menstrual cramps and I got my period four days early. (I was under A LOT of stress at the time and I had just recently gone back on the pill so I know some of those things could have factored into it.)

I've been having a lot of dizzy spells lately and my chest is sore. Also yesterday I had a sore throat and I just don't feel "right." I've had a really coated tongue too.

I went to my doctor who gave me a once over and he did a complete urinalysis. Not pregnant and no cystitis/bladder infection/kidney infection. Before we had "unprotected" sex I went for a pap test/std swabs and my swabs came back negative but I didn't go for an HIV test.

Of course I come home... type in my symptoms and the first thing that pops up is HIV/AIDS.... now I'm terrified.

I've been reading things saying that an HIV test could just aggravate my anxiety more.... thoughts?

Cell block H fan
21-08-10, 21:05
Well, my gut instincts say you dont need a HIV test tbh.
Of course you can never be sure of a partners past, no matter what they say. But that all depends on how much you trust them?
Nothing you have described is ringing alarm bells, but I am no doctor.
Maybe a visit to your doc for reassurance? But the usual state of play is 2 weeks of symptoms (not including lumps of course) are fine before visiting a doctor, if they haven't gone by that time.

21-08-10, 21:14
Thanks for the reply :) I totally trust him beyond a shadow of a doubt. He's never been tested though. I know his ex-girlfriend pretty well and I've met the other girl he slept with (she's pretty much married with two children now so I don't think she's infected.) It's the third one time encounter that worries me.

22-08-10, 11:22
i really dont think you need to worry you sound like a very very very unlikely case for HIV, when i was tested the clinic told me that is very unlikely a man will catch hiv from just oral sex and that there have been no know case's of anyone contracting hiv from just oral sex alone but that its a tricky one to prove because most people who have oral sex with each other go on to have full penatrative sex too but they said is most unlikely to catch it that way.

but save your self the worry and the niggle that will go on in your mind, both go and get tested its just a quick blood test then you'll know for sure, but i bet my back teeth that if your story is 100% true then you will not have hiv :flowers: