View Full Version : i dont want to go back

21-08-10, 20:22
it took me 2 years to get over depression, and iv been doing great for ages. but now i feel awful again, i cant even get out of bed most days...nobody wants to talk to me because of the way iv been acting and i just feel really alone. i dont know what to do

21-08-10, 21:23
hello there.
It sounds like your first point of contact should be to see your doctor to discuss how you feel. Did you have any counselling before for the depression or not?
Maybe you need some medication to give you the initial lift.
Good luck x

28-08-10, 22:33
hi there ..man i know that feeling i ws doing great for a while but ive taken bad drop recently and everyone doesent want be around me it sucks. find it hard to do anything myself . if yo ever need a chat feel free to pm me.. we seem to have similar issues and could probably help each other out. take care and stay strong :)