View Full Version : Lowering Citalopram dose

21-08-10, 20:57
Hi Guys,

Ive posted before about various things involving my journey with Panic and Citalopram.
After 3 weeks on 30mg, from 20mg, Ive just about had enough of side effects and come to the conclusion that I would rather run at 80% normality (if there is such a thing!) and a few less side effects, than walk around a Zombie anymore.

So, seeing as I have only been on 30mg for 3 weeks, can anyone give me a rough estimate of how long they will take to get out of my system as Im now back to 20mg?
They took about 10 days to really kick in but ive just been getting worse attacks since, not seeming to level out at all, where as 20mg levelled me off at 80% normality.
I know meds are individual but i was after a rough estimate.


26-08-10, 13:08
To be honest I think youre setting yourself up for another few weeks of anxiety if you lower the dose now. The excess anxiety youre getting at the mo, is because your body is adjusting to the higher dose. I would say after 3 weeks youre right at the end of this process and you should notice over the next 2 weeks that things will start to improve again. If you reduce to 20, youll probably end up with another few weeks of excess anxiety as your body gets used to having less in your system.
You have to weight it up and see which you would be happier with.

26-08-10, 19:56
hi i came off it about 1 year ago and i was fine.you need to be positive about it if you can!
although i am back on another antidepressant now!!!

you will be fine there were no bad side effects when i came off it
good luck