View Full Version : another new member looking for help

22-08-10, 06:42
Wow, this looks amazing.
I am a 44 year old optician with 3 kids and a lovely wife. I have had a history of depression/anxiety from my late teens and take fluoxetine on and off to help keep things at bay.
I generally live with my condition and am ok if life is stress free but can't seem to cope with any stresses, and react extremely to them.
I get extremely negative leading to a spiral of anxiety and then depression.
If anyone has had similar experiences or got advice i would be forever grateful. Thanks. Stephen.

22-08-10, 06:44
Hi stephenb

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

22-08-10, 07:54
Wow, this looks amazing.
I am a 44 year old optician with 3 kids and a lovely wife. I have had a history of depression/anxiety from my late teens and take fluoxetine on and off to help keep things at bay.
I generally live with my condition and am ok if life is stress free but can't seem to cope with any stresses, and react extremely to them.
I get extremely negative leading to a spiral of anxiety and then depression.
If anyone has had similar experiences or got advice i would be forever grateful. Thanks. Stephen.

Hi Stephen, you sound similar to me buddy, i'm a negative person too. Any kind of stress and my mind overreacts to it too. Don't know why, i have a great life, wife and kids as well. You are not alone, if you read peoples stories on here you'll find out ways to help you cope. have you tried self help books ?, they really help me.

22-08-10, 08:07
thanks for getting back to me so quickly. what books are there that you would recommend? Steve.

22-08-10, 08:16
I'm reading one by Lucinda Bassett at the moment, 'From Panic To Power' just started it but it's good. 'Feel The Fear And Do it Anyway' by Susan jeffers is an amazing book which really helped me. My name is George by the way, i just joined yesterday, the moderators will be along to welcome you soon and give you better advice than me lol.

22-08-10, 08:58
Hi Stephen,
Yes,I hve struggled with anx/dep,mainly when there is stress around me. In fact,going through a partucularly bad patch at the mo. Get round to reading the posts,some really useful.

Welcome to the site, and use the chat room too

22-08-10, 11:52
thanks, am beginning to get to grips with my negative and harmful thoughts triggering it. it's hard but nice to know there are people out there to talk to.

22-08-10, 14:57
Hi steve, have to tried reading dr claire weekes? She has helped me and i can relate to a lot of what she says in here books. xx