View Full Version : going back to work

22-08-10, 10:22
hi folks

ive had gad for ten years now been taking citalopram for 5 years and i have been off work for 2 weeks with a fit note from gp for anxiety within my first 3 days of being off even tho they had got my fit note my employer had me going in for an interview to see why i was off and basically i feel like ive been pressured into returning to work monday even tho i am not 100%.i spoke to my manager last wednesday and agreed to return to work as at the time i was okish but ive gone downhill again.gp gave me an increase of cit by 10mg 2 weeks ago so im now on 30mg i just dont feel ready to return to work.

any advice thankyou

22-08-10, 10:37
Hi wigglywoo12,
If you dont feel ready to go back to work then dont, go back to your docs and speak to them again.

I hope you manage to get it sorted out. xx

22-08-10, 11:24
Hi Wigglywoo,

Please dont feel pressured into going back to work. You need to take as long as it takes until you feel ready, and believe me you will know. I think 2 weeks is a very short time and seems very unfair that you had to go in for an interview to see why you were off??? I dont know who you work for but it seems to me they dont really care about their employees, as they should not be asking you to go in for interviews when you are signed off by your GP!!!

It sounds to me like you need more time and if thats the case than take it, and dont stress about work, it will just make your anxiety worse.

Hope this helps you.

Take care and just concentrate on being well again and not work!!


22-08-10, 12:41
thanks for the replies the thing is i have already said i would return tomorrow and its really worrying me as to the reaction i will get if i am off for longer by the way i work for royal mail.i have always stated that you cannot be off work with anxiety and it just lasts for 2 weeks and everything is hunky dory again i really wish that was the case.my manager has got me a transfer to another office closer to home as i worked a fair distance away from home but it all seems as tho its been done to get me back in asap.

22-08-10, 12:45
I know is a cliche but your health comes first. I'm no legal expert I thought if you were signed off you were not allowed to step foot back on the premises of your work until either your line had run out or your GP signs you back on again.

I hope your ok and do what is right for you.

22-08-10, 13:42
i feel very wound up worried and angry i feel like ive been pushed into coming back not once during the last two weeks did anyone who rang from work ask how i was just kept telling me to make a decision on a transfer,they made it look as tho if i agreed to a transfer i was making a decision on a return to work i was told if i didnt decide it would be seen as not playing ball.

22-08-10, 13:43
See how you feel tomorrow. you might find that tomorrow you can get back into work again. However if you still feel bad tomorrow then I would give the CAB a ring and see where you stand.
If you feel that work isnt understanding you could get a note from your GP explaining how you feel.

22-08-10, 13:49
that is the trouble vixxy they dont give a damn about whats going on with me they just want me back in regardless of how i feel

22-08-10, 14:33
i feel terrible today and am very scared of not going into work tomorrow

22-08-10, 16:06
Hi Wigglywoo,

If you work for Royal Mail are you in the union??? I know that they are not allowed to pressurize you into coming back transfer or no transfer. If I was you I would go back to your GPs tommorow and get signed off again. Then take the time to get yourself right again....if you go back and then end up being off again, surely that will then count as another absence??? They dont sound like they are being very helpful to me...and you have your rights. If you are in the union then contact your office rep and get him to support you with this...I think then you will find they will back off!!

Good luck with it all.

22-08-10, 17:30

1. You work for RM and they have (by todays standards) a strong Union so if you feel you need to involve your Rep then get on to them ASAP and explain your situation - you WILL get the full support of the Branch.

2. Sometimes being at work can 'help' as its a good distraction and can help us move forward and return to a 'normal' routine. Maybe going in tomorrow and 'cracking on' could be an option.

3. If you really do feel unable to return to work tomorrow then DON'T! Go to the GP first thing and get signed off for two weeks (Contact work and let them know whats going on) this gives you a bit of space and time to pamper yourself and recharge.

4. If your not in the Union - JOIN as they can be a help - as you have not formally entered into a sickness capabilities proceedure they will be able to asist - leave it any longer and once/if a capabilities starts they can not represent you. Either way involve the Union Rep at this stage.

Good luck.

23-08-10, 17:58
Hi Wigglywoo....just wondered how you got on today and if you went to work or not???


24-08-10, 10:31
hi jo

thankyou for asking no i didnt went to doctors and he has signed me off for 2 weeks with a phased return to work afterwards which i am quite happy with thankyou again.

24-08-10, 17:20
Hi wigglywoo,

Thats great news...now you relax and concentrate on getting better for the next 2 weeks and if you still need more time then take it....phased return is good, thats how I go myself back into work after being out for 5 months!!!

Take care and let me know how you get on.