View Full Version : Dry Mouth

26-02-06, 21:48
Hi all,

I am new to this.......

For the past few years I have been suffering from a dry mouth which leads to severe panic attacks. I feel like I am choking and I start to gag. Sipping a drink of water/juice helps control things. The problem is that I have to carry a drink with me everywhere I go!!!!!.

I have also learnt that sweets such a skittles help and I have to carry these with me too!!!!

Does anyone else have the same problem or is it is just me?

looking forward to any responses

26-02-06, 21:58

I suffer this on and off depends on how anxious I am. I started suffering a dry mouth about a year ago. I spend alot of my day talking and always get a dry mouth. I used to get a really horrible taste in my mouth with it which rally worried me. My dentist said that you need to stimulate your salivia glands so chewing gum helps this but I cant actually do this as it hurts my jaw. Its nothing seriuous but just unpleasant. Try not to worry and find what works for you to help your symptoms.


27-02-06, 00:20
I get a dry mouth every morning and occasionally during the day when quite anxious or stressed.

Have you tried relaxtion exercises as I'm wondering if its to do with some imperfect breathing.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

27-02-06, 18:07

Mornings are the worst time for me, thats when my mouth is the driest. For some reason, I get a really dry mouth when I talk?????? This then triggers panic attacks which are really scary. I feel like I am choking and my throat tightens up. The worse part is that it makes me gag/rench and I can't control it without a sip of water or sweets - this is really annoying!

It would'nt be such a problem if it was just a dry mouth. I am now so worried that I have to keep sweets on me at all times and carry a bottle of water with me :-(
