View Full Version : worried i may have cancer !!!!!

22-08-10, 11:10
hi everyone

I had a tooth abcess a couple of months ago and my lymph node in my neck swelled up a bit, I had the tooth out and a month later my lymph node had still not returned to its normal size so i got a bit worried and went to the doctor who sent me for a blood test (im not sure exactly what the were checking for) tests came back as normal, anyway i felt it again yesterday and i swear its got a little bit bigger and im now freaking out again and i've got it into my head that it could be cancer :weep:,

logic tells me to stop being silly as i've been checked and it was normal, the doctor told me that they can sometimes take a few months to return to normal and i've read on the internet that sometimes they never return to normal size again so i keep trying to tell myself thats all it is but since yesterday i've been obsessing about it and i cant seem to stop :weep::weep::weep:.

22-08-10, 11:21
I had the same problem as you with a tooth and even when i had it out the lymph node took at least six months to go down. I really wouldnt worry, the docs done blood tests that would of shown a problem if there was one there.